Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

WP User Activity


WP User Activity is the best way to log activity in WordPress. Activity can be sorted, filtered, and viewed per-user, along with session data for logged in users and IP addresses & user-agents for others.

Activity is broken down into object “Types” and “Actions.” Types are the objects being acted upon, and actions are what is being done to them. If you’re familiar with BuddyPress, this should feel pretty comfortable.


Admin logged in 2 minutes ago.

Admin created the post "Hello World" 33 seconds ago.

Admin created the topic "I need help!" 5 days ago.

Tindakan yang Tersedia

  • Attachments (Upload, Edit, Delete)
  • Comments (Create, Pending, Approve, Unaprove, Trash, Untrash, Spam, Unspam, Delete)
  • Core (Update, Auto-update)
  • Exports (Download)
  • Menus (Create, Update, Delete)
  • Plugins (Install, Update, Activate, Deactivate, Edit, Delete)
  • Posts (Create, Update, Delete, Trash, Untrash, Spam, Unspam, Future)
  • Settings (Update)
  • Terms (Create, Update, Delete)
  • Themes (Customize, Install, Update, Activate, Edit, Delete)
  • Users (Login, Login Failure, Logout, Register, Update, Delete)
  • Widgets (Update, Delete)

Also checkout

Tangkapan Layar

  • The log
  • Edit activity


  • Download and install using the built in WordPress plugin installer.
  • Activate in the “Plugins” area of your admin by clicking the “Activate” link.
  • No further setup or configuration is necessary.

Tanya Jawab

Does this work with custom post types & taxonomies?

Yes. It will work perfectly with all post-types & taxonomies that define their own labels. Ones that don’t are mocked using the post type ID.

Can I create custom activity types & actions?

Yes. The autoloader can be filtered, so adding new object types is as simple as:

add_filter( 'wp_get_default_user_activity_types', function( $types = array() ) {
    $types[] = 'Your_New_Type'; // class that extends WP_User_Activity_Type
    return $types;
} );

The WP_User_Activity_Type_Taxonomy class is a good example to start with, if you’d like to create your own actions. It registers simple create/update/delete methods, with easy to understand messages & integrations.

Does this create new database tables?

No. It uses the WordPress custom post-type and metadata APIs.

Does this modify existing database tables?

No. All of the WordPress core database tables remain untouched.

Where can I get support?

  • Forums:

Where can I find documentation?


15 September 2021
as @pavelword says on August 30, 2021 I don´t write reviews often, and almost never negative ones. But this plugin is coded in such a way that it logs the user activity into the wp_posts table. The same table, that you want to have as clean as possible will end up absolutely taken over by this plugin. Question to the developer: why doesn´t your plugin use separate table? To understand: I inherited a wordpress instance, where the wp_posts database grew to be over 250 MB, of the 575.652 entries were 560.000 entries generated by this plugin! This will of course affect the overall speed. It has taken me hours to find why my wp_posts table is so bloated. for anyone searching: this plugin adds new rows into the following table: wp_posts column: post-type entry: activity my review: After installing that plugin and I write a .httpdocs to block ousite logins at wp-admin folder it cant works. everyday hundreds of activity I think the developer use th secret user names to show us activity works fine.. I THINK NO
30 Agustus 2021
I don´t write reviews often, and almost never negative ones. But this plugin is coded in such a way that it logs the user activity into the wp_posts table. The same table, that you want to have as clean as possible will end up absolutely taken over by this plugin. Question to the developer: why doesn´t your plugin use separate table? To understand: I inherited a wordpress instance, where the wp_posts database grew to be over 250 MB, of the 575.652 entries were 560.000 entries generated by this plugin! This will of course affect the overall speed. It has taken me hours to find why my wp_posts table is so bloated. for anyone searching: this plugin adds new rows into the following table: wp_posts column: post-type entry: activity
25 April 2017
often than not i forget the activity that i did especially when working on a multisite. this helps a lot and also very very fast and uses wp’s native UI and even language where in my boss can actually understand. so this one i think is a must use
Baca semua 8 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“WP User Activity” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


“WP User Activity” telah diterjemahkan dalam 5 bahasa. Terima kasih kepada para penerjemah untuk kontribusi-nya.

Terjemahkan “WP User Activity” dalam bahasa Anda.

Tertarik mengembangkan?

Lihat kode, periksa repositori SVN , atau mendaftar ke log pengembangan melalui RSS.

Log Perubahan


  • Fix filtering by user
  • Fix compatibility with WP User Profiles
  • Fix untrashing individual items
  • Fix an incompatibility with ACF


  • Fix user not being linked to “Logout” action


  • Add escaping to admin area row output
  • Return IDs in useful places for easier extending


  • Remove all actions from transition_post_status to avoid infinite loops


  • Official public release
  • Add support for “pending” comments
  • Improved mu-plugins location support


  • Support for User Profiles 0.2.0


  • Add missing action for ‘plugin delete’


  • Support for WP User Profiles 0.1.9


  • Fix conflict causing widgets not to save


  • Fix list-table issue causing fatal errors


  • Prevent user profile activity from leaking out


  • Update column names
  • Add support for WP User Profiles


  • Improve compatibility with other plugins


  • Add menu humility filter
  • Improve capability checks


  • Improve admin styling
  • Add metadata callbacks


  • Improve admin styling


  • Rilis awal