Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

Widget Output Cache


Use PHP output buffering to extract widget output and store it into WordPress transients for faster retrieval. It also adds a checkbox to widget controls to exclude it from being cached.

It is a quick fix for bad behaving plugins that parse RSS feeds or call remote URLs on every page load.


Install it from the official WordPress repository or use the plugin search in your WordPress dashboard.

Tanya Jawab



3 September 2016
Great plugin. Does it what is says and can really help give that extra speed boost. It even refreshes the cache when a widget is saved. On first installation I would recommend increasing the cache time from the default 12 minutes, using the below filter: add_filter( ‘widget_output_cache_ttl’, ‘widget_cache_custom_ttl’, 10, 2 ); function widget_cache_custom_ttl( $ttl ) { $ttl = 3600 * 24; // 24 hours return $ttl; }
3 September 2016
We use various plugins to produce our support site with 200+ pages, widgets that pull information from our sub sites at We are using caching, varnish and various server side and WP plugins. Our issue was that some of the custom widgets were impacting the sites performance and this just improved it. So that you to the developers for awesome work.
3 September 2016
This is good plugin. Simple and easy to use although improved performance in my sites. But it has not been updated for a year. Is update yet?
3 November 2016 1 balasan
If you have widgets with pics or animation, this plugin allows everything in it to be cached. Widgets do not cache normally. This even adds a little check box to not cache certain ones of you run things in there that constantly change If you do change something and just need to clear the cache just for the widget to see what it looks like. Just hit the widget save button and the changes take place. So if you have a CDN local or off site set up, the widgets will now be included in that cache Sped up my webpage big time because I use widgets that download the latest posts from 5 Face Book pages on the same subject but different information. Because that’s all cached now and does not change for 24 hours (how I have it set up in the FB feed through another plugin) the FB information is cached and loads quickly instead of waiting for FB servers to send it..
Baca semua 7 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“Widget Output Cache” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan


  • Tested with WordPress 4.5.2.


  • Fixed transient name generation issue.


  • Remove menu cache due to “active” menu item bug.
  • Allow individual widgets to be excluded from being cached.


  • Honor widgets being hidden using the widget_display_callback filter.


  • Add cache versioning for simple invalidation.


  • Store menu cache only if WordPress supports pre_wp_nav_menu.


  • Add support for menu output caching.


  • Initial release.

Upgrade Notice