Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

Pemeriksa Tema


The theme check plugin is an easy way to test your theme and make sure it’s up to spec with the latest theme review standards. With it, you can run all the same automated testing tools on your theme that uses for theme submissions.

Tes dijalankan melalui menu admin sederhana dan semua hasil ditampilkan sekaligus. Ini sangat berguna untuk pengembang tema, atau siapa pun yang ingin memastikan bahwa tema mereka mendukung standar dan praktik tema WordPress terbaru.

How to enable trac formatting

The Theme Review team use this plugin while reviewing themes and copy/paste the output into trac tickets, the trac system has its own markup language.
To enable trac formatting in Theme-Check you need to define a couple of variables in wp-config.php: TC_PRE and TC_POST are used as a ticket header and footer.
For example:

define( 'TC_PRE', 'Theme Review:[[br]]
- Themes should be reviewed using "define(\'WP_DEBUG\', true);" in wp-config.php[[br]]
- Themes should be reviewed using the test data from the Theme Checklists (TC)
' );

define( 'TC_POST', 'Feel free to make use of the contact details below if you have any questions,
comments, or feedback:[[br]]
* Leave a comment on this ticket[[br]]
* Send an email to the Theme Review email list[[br]]
* Use the #wordpress-themes IRC channel on Freenode.' );

If either of these two vars are defined a new trac tickbox will appear next to the Check it! button.

Tanya Jawab

What’s with the version numbers?

The version number is the date of the revision of the guidelines used to create it.

Why does it flag something as bad?

It’s not flagging “bad” things, as such. The theme check is designed to be a non-perfect way to test for compliance with the Theme Review guidelines. Not all themes must adhere to these guidelines. The purpose of the checking tool is to ensure that themes uploaded to the central theme repository meet the latest standards of WordPress themes and will work on a wide variety of sites.

Many sites use customized themes, and that’s perfectly okay. But themes that are intended for use on many different kinds of sites by the public need to have a certain minimum level of capabilities, in order to ensure proper functioning in many different environments. The Theme Review guidelines are created with that goal in mind.

This theme checker is not perfect, and never will be. It is only a tool to help theme authors, or anybody else who wants to make their theme more capable. All themes submitted to are hand-reviewed by a team of experts. The automated theme checker is meant to be a useful tool only, not an absolute system of measurement.

This plugin does not decide the guidelines used. Any issues with particular theme review guidelines should be discussed on the Make Themes site.


22 April 2023
I heard good things about this plugin until I used it. It says my theme name and text domain/slug do not match. They do so why is it flagging a non-existent error?
6 Juni 2019
One of the best plugins for theme developers. Really a very good job! Have you never thought to create a similar plugin to check plugins? Plugins developers would also need a so helpful tool.
18 Januari 2019
This is a great plugin for everyone that really likes to develop a WordPress theme and make successfully tests for the basic WordPress standards. The errors separated in ‘Required’, ‘Warning’, ‘Recommended’ and ‘info’. Also provide the basic information of this error and makes you understand where the problem is.
Baca semua 195 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“Pemeriksa Tema” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


“Pemeriksa Tema” telah diterjemahkan dalam 16 bahasa. Terima kasih kepada para penerjemah untuk kontribusi-nya.

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Changes can be found in the changelog.txt file.