Try it out on your free dummy site: Click here =>
(this trick works for all plugins in the WP repo – just replace “wordpress” with “tastewp” in the URL)
Buat URL pengalihan spesifik dan aturan pengalihan super-mudah pada antarmuka yang bagus dan ramah-pengguna dari plugin Pengalihan.
Membuat pengalihan bersyarat pun belum pernah semudah dan secepat ini berkat plugin Pengalihan.
Membuat pengalihan tidak pernah lebih mudah lagi, tetapi untuk fine-tuning, Anda dapat menggunakan opsi lanjutan dengan banyak pilihan:
- Kode pengalihan HTTP bisa 301, 302, 303, 304, 307 and 308;
- Aturan penyertaan dan pengecualian: pengguna yang masuk/keluar, peran pengguna spesifik, tautan perujuk pengguna, agen pengguna, kuki pengguna, IP pengguna, server, dan bahasa;
- Aturan Pengalihan: Aturan pengalihan yang disederhanakan sesuai RegEx lanjutan – URL yang memuat string spesifik hingga string yang baru atau yang dihapus, URL yang mulai dengan X, struktur tautan permanen spesifik, kesesuaian RegEx, dan 404s. Mengatur aturan pengalihan dengan beberapa kondisi yang sesuai juga dimungkinkan;
- Kelola semua pengalihan dengan nyaman – aktifkan/nonaktifkan, edit dan hapus pengalihan secara rapi dalam menu plugin;
- ⭐️BARU! pengalihan laman 404 ke URL Spesifik (misalnya beranda) atau ke Artikel Serupa Acak;
- ⭐️NEW! Import/Export redirection lists (both Specific URL Redirections and Redirection Rules);
- ⭐️NEW! Redirection & 404 Logs – chronological log of all redirections and 404s with a one-click solution to add the redirection and fix the dead links;
- Automatic redirects, Change URL – these features are coming soon!
Plugin pengalihan ini merupakan bagian dari keluarga produk Inisev. Silakan melihat-lihat proyek lainnya 🙂
Tangkapan Layar
Tanya Jawab
Dapatkah saya membatasi siapa saja yang bisa membuat pengalihan pada situs saya?
Standarnya, hanya Administrator yang dapat mengakses plugin dan membuat serta mengedit pengalihan.
Dapatkah saya menonaktifkan/menghapus massal pengalihan yang dibuat oleh plugin ini?
Ya, Anda dapat dengan mudah menonaktifkan aturan pengalihan tunggal atau massal atau pengalihan spesifik.
Apakah pengalihan dinonaktifkan jika saya menghapus plugin?
Seluruh aturan pengalihan dan pengalihan spesifik akan dinonaktifkan saat plugin Pengalihan dinonaktifkan/dihapus. Tetapi, Anda dapat menonaktifkan pengalihan tanpa menonaktifkan plugin.
Dapatkah saya mengalihkan 404 ke beranda?
Ya! Anda juga dapat membuat pengalihan 404s ke laman manapun lainnya jika Anda suka. Dan terdapat fitur baru dari pengalihan 404 ke Artikel Serupa Acak.
How to find/track dead links on my site?
With the brand new feature “Redirection and 404 Logs” you can easily spot if there are any invalid links that your visitors are trying to reach, and best of all, you can fix them with one click on the button. Also, if you set up a Redirection Rule “Redirect all URLs which: are 404s to Random Similar Post” – you will basically fix all 404s on your site with one rule.
Bagaimana Anda bisa lebih baik daripada plugin pengalihan lainnya?
Plugin pengalihan dirancang untuk ramah-pengguna baru, dengan antarmuka yang dirancang secara profesional, dan fungsi yang disederhanakan untuk membantu pengguna yang belum familiar, misalnya RegEx. Fitur mendatang juga akan mudah bagi pengguna yang tidak terlalu teknis dan pengguna yang mengubah tautannya (dan tautan permanen).
Can I redirect all pages on my site to a homepage (or another specific page)?
Yes, you can. Re how to do it, you simply navigate to Redirection Rules (second tab from the left), then add new redir, under the first dropdown select “All URLs” and on the right define a destination. Note that adding this redirection will not cause red alert of infinite loop error, and /wp-admin section of your site is also exempted from this rule.
Is the plugin also available in my language?
So far we have translated the plugin into these languages:
Arabic: قم بتعيين 301 ، 307 ، 404 ، إعادة توجيه أخرى.
Chinese (China): 设置 301、307、404、其他重定向。
Croatian: Postavite 301, 307, 404 i druga preusmjeravanja.
Dutch: Stel 301, 307, 404 in, een andere omleiding.
English: Setup 301, 307, 404 and other redirections.
Finnish: Aseta 301, 307, 404 ja muut uudelleenohjaukset.
French (France): Définissez 301, 307, 404, une autre redirection.
German: Stellen Sie 301, 307, 404 und andere Umleitungen ein.
Greek: Ορίστε 301, 307, 404, άλλες ανακατευθύνσεις.
Hungarian: Állítsa be a 301, 307, 404 és egyéb átirányításokat.
Indonesian: Setel 301, 307, 404, pengalihan lainnya.
Italian: Impostare 301, 307, 404, un altro reindirizzamento.
Persian: 301، 307، 404، یک تغییر مسیر دیگر را تنظیم کنید.
Polish: Ustaw 301, 307, 404, inne przekierowania.
Portuguese (Brazil): Defina 301, 307, 404, outros redirecionamentos.
Russian: Установите 301, 307, 404, другие редиректы.
Spanish: Configure 301, 307, 404 y otras redirecciones.
Turkish: 301’e, 307’e, 404’e ve diğerlerine yönelik yönlendirme kurun.
Vietnamese: Đặt 301, 307, 404, một chuyển hướng khác.
Kontributor & Pengembang
“Pengalihan” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
Kontributor“Pengalihan” telah diterjemahkan dalam 22 bahasa. Terima kasih kepada para penerjemah untuk kontribusi-nya.
Terjemahkan “Pengalihan” dalam bahasa Anda.
Tertarik mengembangkan?
Lihat kode, periksa repositori SVN , atau mendaftar ke log pengembangan melalui RSS.
Log Perubahan
- Tested with WordPress 6.7.1
- Fixed parameters being cut off after an encoded slash.
- Fixed loading translations too early.
- Tested with WordPress 6.6.2-RC1
- Add “ask us” for regex on rules explanations
- Fixed delete logs option where the updated value wasn’t visible automatically
- Slight UI improvements
- Tested with WordPress 6.6
- Minor performance improvements
- Improvements for PHP 8 utilization
- Adjusted domain validation
- Added pagination with “Show more” in logs
- [IMPROVED] Added support to non-latin characters and special characters in URL input
- [FIX] Reverted sanitization process from v1.2.0
- [NOTE] Tested up with WordPress v6.5 (beta)
- [IMPROVED] Redirections based on user language should be more accurate and even more sophisticated
- [IMPROVED] URL verification – now it’s not required to use http/https
- [NEW] Absolute and relative path is now supported in simple rediretion text areas (/from -> /to)
- [NEW] Added support for websites without ‘www.’ and destination URL with “.pdf, .png, etc.”
- [NEW] Inclusion & Exclusion rules are now available for all-urls rule
- [FIX] Fixed issue when rule 404-s redirections got removed after page reload
- [FIX] Fixed corner case issues with URL sanitization when non alphanumeric URLs were used
- [REMOVED/DEPRECATED] Automatic redirect for post and pages, it has no effect for existing users
- [NOTE] Tested up with WordPress v6.4.3
- [NOTE] Upgraded analyst module to latest version
- [NOTE] Tested up to PHP v8.3
- [NEW] Now user can switch off or switch on 404 error & redirect logs permanently
- [FIX] Redirects that ends with “f” will now work properly
- [FIX] Destination values will be pre-propagated now during redirection edition
- [FIX] False positive errors during bulk enable of redirections
- [NEW] Added feature “log me where I finished”, redirects you after log in where you logged out
- [NEW] Now it is possible to select multiple user roles to match redirection
- [NEW] You can now set regex rule for referrer redirection advanced option
- [NEW] Added redirection option for URL “ends-with”
- [FIX] All redirects will be now trimmed by %2F encoded character (without trailing slash)
- [FIX] Now wp-admin and wp-login is additionally protected from redirection
- [FIX] Review module updated to latest version which prevents it to display in edit screens
- [FIX] Adjusted rules logic, to make sure all will be checked properly for 404 redirections
- [CHANGE] Modified default settings for our new users, ignore trailing slashes, ignore lower/upper case, ignore parameters
- [CHANGE] Improved 404 logs, added “count” to prevent duplicates and allow to add new single click redirection
- [CHANGE] Logs will now be removed after 7 days without update, previously 1 day
- Improved stability on larger sites
- Tested with WordPress 6.4
- Updated opt-in module
- Improved RegExp redirections
- Adjusted few typos in notifications
- Added more detailed notifications
- Prevented possibility of two ‘is-404’ redirections
- Prevented possibility of two ‘all-urls’ redirections
- Updated Carousel module
- Added custom permission for plugin access: redirect_redirection_admin
- Changed way how advanced options section works
- Improved user experience in terms of adding new rules and editing them
- Improved stability of redirections (to be sensitive enough in corner cases)
- Updated banner module to exclude conflicts with other plugins
- Resolved warnings and notices in PHP 8.2
- Tested with WordPress 6.3.1
- Added review module
- Improved UTF-8 URLs matching for additonal languages.
- Fixed redirection with parameters (simple & advanced)
- Added nonce verification for plugin deinstallation
- Limited access to the plugin to site administrators only
- Added nonce verification
- Added possibility to add redirection headers
- Fixed deactivation feedback
- Adjusted minor arrow display issues
- Tested with WP 6.2-Beta2
- Fixed UTF-8 URLs redirections
- Removed BF module
- Updated carrousel & opt-in module
- Adjusted PHP compatibility
- Added black-friday theme (only for that period)
- Tested up to WordPress 6.1.1
- Reverted change of template redirection priority
- Tested up to WP v6.1-RC5
- Added optional opt-in module
- Updated try it option in readme
- Fixed issue with logs clean-up – database errors PHP 8+
- Removed unnecessary files from codebase
- Adjusted redirection, it won’t redirect twice before destination site
Changelogs stripped due to character limitation.