Feedme is a simple and powerful tool that will surely enhance any WordPress install. As feed readers become more advanced and are capable of handling additional information, we found the default method of feeds within WordPress to lack content elements.
Global Feed Image
Through Feedme, you can assign an image to your global feed. This ‘brands’ your feed to all readers. Options include:
- Show Single Image On Global Feed: Enable / Disable image from the feed.
- Full URL To Custom Image: This is the full url path to your custom image. If left blank, it will use the plugin’s default image.
- Width x Height: Default: 75×75. Set this to the dimensions of your custom image.
- Image Link: Default: WordPress Install URL. Override url of the default image when it is clicked.
Post Feed Images
Select the default image assigned to each post. Specify the default size to show in the feed. Options include:
- Show Images Per Post In Feed: Enable / Disable default post image from displaying within the feed.
- Set Default Image Size: Default: Thumbnail. Set image size to either Thumbnail or Medium.
Feed Delay
Frequently updating your latest posts? You can set the delay time it will show in the feed so your changes aren’t published out until you’re ready.
Many times, our clients have the need to post content, and then make quick changes / spelling corrections / etc. By setting a delay, your content will show up after the allotted number of minutes you specify in the delay. Call it a gut check if you will on publishing your content out to external sites / feed readers.
Exclude Categories
By checking the box next to each category, you exclude the content from that category from displaying in your WordPress Feeds.
Disable Feeds: Using WordPress as a CMS? Perhaps you don’t want to display RSS on your site. Check the boxes next to each feed type to disable the feed.
- Download and unzip the above file
- Upload the entire feedme directory to your plugins directory
- Activate the plugin from the WordPress admin panel
- Configure the options under the admin panel: Options > Feedme
Tanya Jawab
None currently.
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Kontributor & Pengembang
“Feedme” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
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