Tag Plugin: civicrm
CiviCRM Admin Utilities
(6 total rating)Utilities for customising CiviCRM's behaviour and appearance in single site and multisite installs.
CiviCRM Member Sync
(4 total rating)Keep WordPress Users in sync with CiviCRM Memberships by granting either a Role or Capabilities to Users with that Membership.
CiviCRM Profile Sync
(3 total rating)Keeps a WordPress User profile in sync with a CiviCRM Contact and integrates WordPress and CiviCRM Entities when using Advanced Custom Fields.
CiviEvent Widget
(1 total rating)Display widgets for CiviCRM events: the next public event or a whole list. Embed widgets as shortcodes, too!
Connector to CiviCRM with CiviMcRestFace
(0 total rating)Provides an API connector to a local or remote CiviCRM installation. This connector could be used by other plugins. Funded by Artfulrobot, CiviCoop, c …
Integration of CiviCRM's Form Processor with Caldera Forms
(0 total rating)This plugin integrates Caldera Forms with CiviCRM's form processor. Funded by CiviCooP, Civiservice.de, Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V.
CiviCRM Contribution Page Widget
(0 total rating)Displays contribution page widgets from CiviContribute as native WordPress widgets.
Data source CiviCRM api for wpDataTable
(0 total rating)Provides a CiviCRM api data source for wpDataTable plugin.
Integration between Leaflet Map and CiviCRM
(0 total rating)Provides an integration between CiviCRM api and the leaflet map. Meaning you can create maps from CiviCRM Data. You can use this plugin with Connector …
BP Groups CiviCRM Sync
(0 total rating)Enables two-way synchronisation between BuddyPress groups and CiviCRM groups.
Synchronizing CiviCRM data to Custom Posts
(0 total rating)Provides a tool for synchronizing CiviCRM data to custom posts in Wordpress.