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  • Versi 1.0.5
  • Terakhir diperbarui Januari 5, 2024
  • Instalasi aktif 70+
  • Versi WordPress 6.3
  • Versi PHP 7.3

Snapfolio is a WordPress photography theme that is designed specifically for photographers, artists, and creative professionals. With its sophisticated and minimalist design, Snapfolio allows your artwork and photography to take center stage. Its impressive customizable galleries enable you to showcase your work in a visually stunning and professional manner. Along with its sleek design, Snapfolio also includes social media integration, customizable contact forms, and SEO optimization features to enhance your online presence and connect with potential clients. Check the demo at https://themecanary.com/themes/snapfolio/#demos and documentation at https://themecanary.com/documentation/snapfolio/

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Instalasi Aktif: 70+



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