

Semua tema

Restaurant Food Shop

Restaurant Food Shop

Ini adalah tema anak dari Di Restaurant.

  • Versi 1.2
  • Terakhir diperbarui Juni 2, 2024
  • Instalasi aktif 200+
  • Versi WordPress 5.2
  • Versi PHP 7.0

Restaurant Food Shop is a classic, SEO Friendly, responsive WordPress theme for restaurant, blog, eCommerce and similar business websites. It is a child theme of the Di Restaurant theme, so you will get all the features of the Di Restaurant theme with an additional overlay menu and a call to action button. It is a fully customizable theme from header to footer. You can customize the logo, menu, social media icons, blog layout, sidebar widgets, footer widgets and much more. it comes with a Full Width Template, so you can place your page builder contents perfectly. This theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce plugin and has additional eCommerce options so it can be used for selling online products or items. Theme features: Typography options, call to action link, overlay menu, social profile, customizable blog, WooCommerce options, footer widgets, footer copyright section, sticky header and much more. DEMO: http://demo.dithemes.com/di-restaurant/

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Instalasi Aktif: 200+