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Tema ini belum diperbarui selama lebih dari 2 tahun. Barangkali tema ini tak dipelihara atau didukung lagi dan mungkin memiliki masalah kompatibilitas dengan versi terbaru WordPress.

Ini adalah tema anak dari Flat Bootstrap.

  • Versi 1.5
  • Terakhir diperbarui April 20, 2016
  • Instalasi aktif 100+
  • Versi WordPress 4.3

Pratt by XtremelySocial is an adaptation of the “Pratt” theme by Blacktie.co. It is a modern, fully responsive, “flat” style theme with a nice color palette, big full-width images, and full-width colored sections. The navbar is fixed at the top of the page for easy navigation. It includes several beautiful header images for businesses, photographers, musicians, writers and you can upload your own as well. For more information go to http://xtremelysocial.com/wordpress/pratt/.

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Instalasi Aktif: 100+