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Tema ini belum diperbarui selama lebih dari 2 tahun. Barangkali tema ini tak dipelihara atau didukung lagi dan mungkin memiliki masalah kompatibilitas dengan versi terbaru WordPress.

  • Versi 1.7
  • Terakhir diperbarui Agustus 23, 2016
  • Instalasi aktif 500+
  • Versi WordPress 4.2

Looking for a balanced yet highly flexible theme for your website? If so, let us introduce a breathtaking solution! Kingdom is a unique theme that can easily bring your website to perfection. Neat, dainty and extremely easy to use, this theme will truly make your website stand out. Also, you can rest assured that your site’s purpose will not be overshadowed by the abundance of little details – with Kingdom, you receive a simplistic, yet utterly functional wrap for your ideas. Although there is no limit to the fields this theme can be applied to, we believe it is best suited for Construction, Daily news, Cultural overviews, Fashion magazines, Sports reviews, Distribution sevices, Storage services, Network companies, Travel agencies, Workshops, Travel advice, Travel reviews. The demo version of this theme can be found here: http://wp-demo-theme.bestweblayout.com/kingdom/

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Instalasi Aktif: 500+



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Tema ini tersedia dalam bahasa berikut: English (Canada), English (US), Русский, dan Українська.

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