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Ganess Store

Ganess Store

Tema ini belum diperbarui selama lebih dari 2 tahun. Barangkali tema ini tak dipelihara atau didukung lagi dan mungkin memiliki masalah kompatibilitas dengan versi terbaru WordPress.

  • Versi 1.1.7
  • Terakhir diperbarui Januari 15, 2019
  • Instalasi aktif Kurang dari 10
  • Versi WordPress 4.0

Ganess Store is a clean, beautiful and fully customizable responsive WordPress WooCommerce theme. This theme includes many premium features and several custom widgets which helps making your online store professional and well organized. It is fully compatible with most of Woocommerce Plugin. As an online store owner, attracting customers and selling products will be lot easier with this theme. This theme includes customizable slider, hot deals, product grid slider, product category tabs and many others.

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Instalasi Aktif: Kurang dari 10


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Tema ini tersedia dalam bahasa berikut: English (US).

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