• Pada halaman admin web saya muncul tulisan seperti dibawah ini (Maksdunya apa ya?? dan harus bagaimana???

    Warning! WordPress encrypts user cookies, but you must add the following lines to wp-config.php for it to be more secure.
    Before the line /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ please add this code:

    define( ‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘[-f/qv|ks@4Z<Sw983wou89jI^&r$6I<%H?N|$)[7_D[JHndq<zTPoqk>aLMnVN3’ );
    define( ‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘M$,>8i>s$T!h^Z;XXaK*Vm{KOrals(n>lc=L*I] 4a$BH0}MB0QJM3Xa)#*v’ );
    define( ‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘mjCWZggAqiQUAX6*g2_N0&@ciW($t9/th#}<2V7[^Y(:Tn|C(h&q]du=YGFr}(6h’ );
    define( ‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘t1_^L!?$hL{wj`XhrqW!{Z h_h2Y.I9dBOX]+z;r7[W&pb-SYo>~~3{m>[b4$#;T’ );

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  • Ya udah tambahkan kode tersebut:

    define( ‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘[-f/qv|ks@4Z<Sw983wou89jI^&r$6I<%H?N|$)[7_D[JHndq<zTPoqk>aLMnVN3’ );
    define( ‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘M$,>8i>s$T!h^Z;XXaK*Vm{KOrals(n>lc=L*I] 4a$BH0}MB0QJM3Xa)#*v’ );
    define( ‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘mjCWZggAqiQUAX6*g2_N0&@ciW($t9/th#}<2V7[^Y(:Tn|C(h&q]du=YGFr}(6h’ );
    define( ‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘t1_^L!?$hL{wj`XhrqW!{Z h_h2Y.I9dBOX]+z;r7[W&pb-SYo>~~3{m>[b4$#;T’ );

    ke dalam file wp-config.php Anda. Bagian API key/salt.
    sori ga bisa liat ke web Anda, lagi pakai BB, lemot.

    tapi hati2, itu awalnya kenapa? musti diselikidiki dulu 😀

    zon | inimu.com


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