• bagi master” atau suhu”..
    mohon bantuannya..

    Plugin Name: Add Posts to Pages
    Plugin URI: http://*******/wordpress-plugins/add-posts-pages/
    Description: Easily add posts to pages with this super lightweight plugin. Just select the number of posts to show & the category to pull them from and voila, you’ve added a set of posts anywhere on any page.
    Version: 1.2.3
    Author: wyvers
    Author URI: **********
    License: GPL2

    ** Function: add_posts_func
    ** Purpose: shortcode to allow easy addition of filtered posts to pages in WordPress
    ** Inputs:
    ** show – number of posts to show
    ** category – the slug of the category to be shown
    ** tag – the slug of the tag to be shown
    ** Output: an unordered list of posts matching the input filter parameters using query_posts() WordPress function
    function add_posts_func( $atts ) {

    //extracting input parameters (attributes of shortcode)
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    ‘show’ => 5,
    ‘category’ => ”,
    ‘tag’ => ”,
    ‘full’ => false,
    ‘h’ => ‘2’,
    ‘img’ => false,
    ‘size’ => 64
    ), $atts ) );


    $h = ‘h’.$h;

    //querying posts on input filter parameters


    //setting the output variable to an unordered list
    global $out;
    $out = ”;

    //if NOT full & No images output, start a unordered list
    if(!$full && !$img)
    $out = ‘


      //START famous WordPress loop
      if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post();

      //Setting permalinm & title for ease of use later
      $permalink = get_permalink();
      $title = get_the_title();


      $out .= ‘
      .get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_id(), array($size,$size))


      $content = get_the_content();
      $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $content);
      $content = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $content);

      //output full post
      $out .= ‘<div class=”add_posts” style=”clear:both;”>’;
      $out .= ‘<‘.$h.’ class=”title”>‘ . $title . ‘</’.$h.’>’;
      $out .= ‘<div class=”post-content” style=”clear:both”;>’.$content.'</div>’;
      $out .= ‘<hr style=”margin:10px 0″>’;
      $out .= ‘</div>’;
      } else {
      //output list items
      if(!$img){$out .= ‘

    • ‘;} else {$out .= ‘<‘.$h.’ class=”title”>’;}
      $out .= ‘‘ . $title . ‘‘;
      if(!$img){$out .= ‘
    • ‘;} else {$out .= ‘</’.$h.’>’;}

      //END famous WordPress loop
      endwhile; endif;

      //reset query so rest of page can load.

      //if NOT full output, close the unordered list
      if(!$full && !$img)
      $out .= ‘


    //returning the output to page
    return $out;

    //instantiate the shortcode
    add_shortcode( ‘add_posts’, ‘add_posts_func’ );

    apakah ada yang bisa membantu saya mengenai ini..
    apa yang harus saya edit agar bisa tampil di bagian halaman saya..

Melihat 4 balasan - 1 sampai 4 (dari total 4)
  • Moderator Bogy Harseno


    sulit sekali memahami pertanyaan dan apa yg anda inginkan. anda tdk perlu mengedit plugin jika hanya akan menggunakannya, cukup install dan ikuti panduan yg disertakan plugin tsb.

    Pencetus Utas wyvers


    tapi setelah di instal dan setelah saya ikuti panduannya tidak berpengaruh sma sekali pada website atau di dalam dhasboard saya..

    mohon pencerahannya..
    karena saya masih sangat newbie..

    Moderator Bogy Harseno


    silahkan kontak developer plugin tsb di forum dukungan plugin jika anda kesulitan menggunakannya. lebih tepat jika dibahas dengan developer dan komunitas plugin tsb kayaknya. cmiiw.

    Pencetus Utas wyvers


    jadi seperti itu ya mas..
    terimakasih untuk sarannya..

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