Bantuan » Komunitas WordPress Indonesia » Komunitas Pengguna » Not working pagination issue

  • Hi guys.

    I’m now creating a website with wordpress that needs 2 type of POST :
    1. Usual wordpress post, and
    2. Testimony post (using Easy Post Types, see

    I have no problem with the wordpress post. But the problem occurs when I tag a testimony post into a blog tag, for example ‘World’. The tag ‘World’ it self contain those 2 type of POST mentioned above. For example, I have 1 testimony post, and 3 blog post, so I have 4 posts.

    Then I change the script to adapt this changes, then I use kriesi_pagination(4) (see

    For example :
    – Total data found : 4
    – Data to display per page : 1
    – Page needed = ceil(Total data found/Data to display per page) = 4

    Kresi successfully created 4 hyperlink to each page. Example :
    1. http://localhost/tag/data/ –> data is blog tag
    2. http://localhost/tag/data/page/2/
    3. http://localhost/tag/data/page/3/
    4. http://localhost/tag/data/page/4/

    If I try 1-3, there are no problem occurs. But when I go to the page 4, what I see is “This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching, or one of the links below, can help.” (this text come from 404.php of the theme)

    The problem is, why wordpress can’t support page 4 just like what I need, and how to fix this? thanks.

    — Balas dalam bhs Indo jg gpp. thx

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  • Pencetus Utas jochristianto


    Update Bhs Indo

    Terdapat 2 tipe post, yakni ‘post’ dan ‘testimonies’, dimana masing2 artikel utk masing2 tipe bisa memiliki kategori dan tag. Utk kategori dan tag utk masing2 tipe sama. Misal utk ‘post’ memiliki tag ‘Relationships’, maka secara otomatis ‘testimonies’ juga memiliki tag ini. Jd tdk prlu dipermasalahkan.

    Kemudian saya buat 3 ‘post’ dengan tag ‘Relationships’.
    Lalu 1 ‘testimonies’ dengan tag ‘Relationships’.
    Total artikel pada tag ‘Relationships’ ada 4 artikel, yakni 3 ‘post’ dan 1 ‘testimonies’.

    Asumsikan bahwa post per page adalah 1, jd utk 1 halaman akan ditampilkan 1 artikel yang memiliki tag ‘Relationships’.

    Yg saya tanyakan adalah paging 1 – 3 benar, dan 4 salah, dimana halaman ke 4 diarahkan ke 404.php ada direktori theme yg sedang aktif. Mnurut analisa saya ini terjadi akibat URL rewriting yg salah, atau script yg saya buat tdk mampu mengubah URL rewriting drpd WordPress.

    Script : (sama dgn yg dibawah; isi dari tag.php)

    <?php // ?>
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="left">
      <section id="primary">
        <div id="content" role="main">
          <?php the_post(); ?>
          <header class="page-header">
            <h1 class="page-title">
              <?php printf( __( 'Tag Archives: %s', 'toolbox' ), '<span>' . single_tag_title( '', false ) . '</span>' ); ?>
    		global $wp_query;
    		$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
    		$paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    		'taxonomy' => $term->taxonomy,
    		'term' => $term->slug,
    		'post_type' => array('testimonies','post'),
    		'paged'=> $paged,
    		'posts_per_page' => 1,
    		'caller_get_posts'=> 1
    		while (have_posts()) : the_post();
    			get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );
      <?php kriesi_pagination(); ?>
    <?php get_sidebar(); get_footer();
    Pencetus Utas jochristianto


    To editor/administrator. please remove/close this post. thanks.

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