• Mas/mbak yg baek hati minta tolong saya ya….. Saya coba import file postingan saya dari wordpress.com ke wordpress.org kok ndak bisa ya ?
    Keterangannya kaya gini :
    Import WordPress

    Sorry, there has been an error.

    Unable to create directory /home/a8104317/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/06. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    tolongin saya yach, n makasih buanyak bgt!!!

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  • kayaknya masalah folder akses mas, coba ubah folder permissionnya wp-content dan isinya jadi 777 ato 755.

    caranya bisa lewat cpanel – file manager ato pake program FTP kayak filezilla.

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