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    ‘Install WordPress (2/3)

    The installation can not be completed:

    – You chose to install in the main directory of the domain g-tekno.com, but there are conflicting filenames, therefore we can not proceed. Following filenames already exist in the main directory of the domain g-tekno.com (path=”/home/gteknoc1/public_html/”).You must manually remove these files before proceeding with auto-installation:

    Click on the browser’s Back button to fix reported error’

    bagamana mengatasinya? help

    email saya bagoeswahono@yahoocom

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  • Itu karena di folder tujuan Mas Bagoes ingin menginstal WP pakai auto-installation, sudah ada file-file instalasi WP disitu.

    Kalau berkenan, bisa kasih info yang lebih lengkap:
    Pakai Fantastico? Mau upgrade atau instal baru Mas? Sudah pernah menginstal WP di folder itu? Mau dihapus atau tidak?


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