Bantuan » Serbaneka » Bantu ane gan :(

  • bantu ane gan. ane ga bisa masuk di website. padahal ini tugas UAS. tolong d bantu ya gan.
    waktu login muncul tulisan kaya gini

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_max_upload_size() in /home/u678424748/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zedity/zedity.php on line 106

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  • Hi keweng,

    wp_max_upload_size() is a WordPress function that should be available since WordPress 2.5, as reported here:, so maybe you have a WordPress version older than 2.5?
    Zedity is reported to require WordPress 3.5+ so not sure whether it’ll be working on older versions.

    Anyway, we added a check for that error, please upgrade to Zedity version 2.0.2+ and give it a try.

    Thank you for using Zedity (and sorry for replying in English but I don’t speak your language)

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