The Wp Easy Allopass Plugin (WEA) is a plugin that allows you to integrate allopass payment solution (HiPay Mobile – Mobiyo) on your wordpress site. With WEA plugin, you can easily sell unlimited products in your posts and pages. It allows your visitor to buy directly digital contents from your site. See live demo here.
With WEA plugin, you can lock some content (Documentation, Download link, Embedded Music/Video, …) in your posts and pages by adding a simple shortcode. In the admin panel, you can easily setup unlimited product shortcodes. The admin panel allows you to see your realtime sales statistics.
What is Mobiyo – Hipay Mobile – Allopass?
UPDATE : Hipay Mobile becomes Mobiyo.
Mobiyo is a great supplement to PayPal, Skrill (Moneybookers) and Google Checkout for digital content, games & downloads under $10. It’s also a global payment system with extensive geographic coverage. Allopass became HiPay Mobile since 2014 and became Mobiyo since 2017.
Mobiyo offers 6 different payment solutions:
- Audiotel: surcharged phone call.
- SMS +: surcharged SMS.
- Internet+: Internet Service Provider direct debit (France only).
- Neosurf: prepaid card available in all Neosurf points of sale.
- Credit/Debit Card.
- Electronic wallet : HiPay, Dineromail…
WEA plugin features:
- Integration based in simple shortcode [allopass id=”X”] …Your paid content… [/allopass] where “X” is your “product id” added in admin panel.
- Realtime sales statistics: no cronjob or batch needed.
- Posibility to add, edit or delete product.
- Customizable text displayed to the left of your allopass payment button (you can use HTML).
- Two avalaible languages: English / French.
- No programming/scripting experience needed; setup done via standard WP plugin installation steps.
This WEA plugin is free for use. But we retain just 10% of commission per sale in free version.
You can also download the Pro version.
(The PRO version allows you to increase your profits and enjoy other benefits and FREE support.)
Tangkapan Layar
When you have finished plugin setup, you can configure the WEA (WordPress Easy Allopass) plugin in your blog’s Admin/Settings page. This screen can usually be found within the Admin pages (maybe toward the bottom) by clicking Settings -> WP Easy Allopass.
Setup your Allopass Hipay account:
- Create your FREE Hipay Merchant Account: (Already have an account? skip this step)
- Once logged in your Hipay Merchant Account, add your own site in your hipay “sites list“. Click the “Add a new site” button.
- Add the product you want to sell with your site. In the section My products, Click the “Add a new product” button and enter informations about your product.
- When you have finished to add product in your allopass account. You can get the “Site Id” and the “Product Id” in your hipay mobile dashboard.
WARNING: When you add new product on your hipay account, always set as return URL: “”. After purchase, the WEA plugin will automatically redirect user to the page that he was visiting before.
Add “Site Id” and “Product Id” in WEA Plugin:
In your wordpress’s Admin/Settings page:
- Click “Settings” -> “WP Easy Allopass“.
- Fill in the form named “Add product“.
- Enter the “Site Id” and “Product Id” created in step 4 above.
- Enter the product description. This entry can be a text that explain to user how to buy your product.
- Click “Add the product” button.
Insert shortcode in post or page:
- In your product list (“Settings” -> “WP Easy Allopass“, see the product list table), use the column “shortcode” to identify your item id: [allopass id=”X“] … [/allopass] where X=item Id.
- Edit your post or page and insert the shortcode: [allopass id=”X“] … [/allopass]
NOTE: You can insert unlimited product shortcodes in a single post/page.
Tanya Jawab
See the Installation Page for details on setting up the Products.
A more detailed FAQ will come as questions arise.
- What’s Allopass Hipay Mobile?
Allopass Hipay Mobile has been Europe’s leader for micro-payment since 2001.
Allopass offers a wide array of payment solutions for your web-site: phone payment, surcharged SMS, Internet + (ISP direct debit), Neosurf (prepaid card available in Neosurf point of sales in France, Spain, Andorra, Belgium,Switzerland, Algeria, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Morocco and Senegal), electronic wallet.
You just need to implement our payment scripts on your site and your customers will be able to purchase easily and safely. You earn money every time a purchase is completed.
- Will my customers use these payment methods?
Allopass is extremely popular: over 2 millions unique web-users purchase Allopass codes every month. No doubt your customers will use these payment methods.
- Who uses Allopass Hipay Mobile?
Over half a million sites are using Allopass and generate 7 millions transactions worldwide every month.
Here are a few sites using Allopass.
- Where can I get Allopass Site Id and Product Id?
Once logged in your Hipay Merchant Account, enter in the section My products. Select one of your site. If you have already added a product for this site, you will see “site Id” and “product Id” in the this page.
- How do I become an Allopass Hipay merchant?
Just sign up with allopass. It’s free and you can use allopass payment solution immediately.
- How do I implement the Allopass payment with Wp Easy Allopass plugin?
Click here to view all instructions.
Cliquez-ici pour voir les instructions en version “french”.
- Is this plugin free?
This WEA plugin is free for use. But we retain just 10% of commission per sale in free version.
You can also download the Pro version.
(The PRO version allows you to increase your profits and enjoy other benefits and FREE support.)
Belum ada ulasan untuk plugin ini.
Kontributor & Pengembang
“Wp Easy Allopass” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
KontributorTerjemahkan “Wp Easy Allopass” dalam bahasa Anda.
Tertarik mengembangkan?
Lihat kode, periksa repositori SVN , atau mendaftar ke log pengembangan melalui RSS.
Log Perubahan
- Plugin uses new hipay API
- Checking compatibility with wordpress 3.9.1
- Allopass become HiPay Mobile
- Checking compatibility with wordpress 3.8
- The plugin become translatable
- Changing Plugin Server to default website (for code verification and redirection)
- Fixed redirection error (product page) when wordpress is installed in a subdirectory
- Allow user insert another shortcode between allopass shortcode [allopass id=”xxx”]… [my_shortcode] …[/allopass]
- Fix wordpress warning message PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()
- Changing Plugin Server to default website (for code verification and redirection)
- Checking compatibility with WordPress 3.4.2 => OK
- Changing Plugin Server (for code verification and redirection)
- Checking compatibility with WordPress 3.4 => OK
- Minor language file corrections (15/06/2012)
- Minor bug fixes (15/06/2012)
- Replacing file_get_contents() by wp_remote_get() (02/08/2012)
- add_action(‘get_header’, ‘WEA_redirect’, 0) => add_action(‘init’, ‘WEA_redirect’, 0) to avoid error with other API.
- Adding https support (01/18/2012)
- Minor bug fixes. (01/18/2012)
- Minor language file corrections (10/21/2011)
- Fix pagination bug when viewing more than 10 sales stats in dashboard (10/21/2011)
- Enable Admin to copy and paste shortcode directly in text format when editing post/page on wysiwyg editor.(To avoid html error when copying shortcode) (10/14/2011)
- Minor bug fixes. (10/3/2011)
- Fix allopass code verification (error when user re-use codes). (9/30/2011)
- Default language changed to english. (9/30/2011)
- Fix cookie error after several code verifications. (9/29/2011)
- Added new feature to enable Admin to choose language (English/French). (9/28/2011)
- Added Shortcode functionality to allow addition of unlimited products in the post/page content. (9/26/2011)
- Minor Fixes/Spelling Error corrections and code cleanup to prep for WordPress hosting of Plugin. (9/17/2011)
- Plugin Release (9/15/2011)