This plugin adds a updated_post hook in the post update process and with the help of it, it deletes the cache of the page in cloudflare cache and KV storage(static cache)
To setup this plugin add following constants in the wp-config.php file before activating it.
define('CF_ZONE_ID', '');
define('CF_AUTH_TOKEN', '');
define('CF_KV_AUTH', ''); # http auth username and password if the site is password protected. If not just add \'test:test\'
Tanya Jawab
Who Can You This?
The one who is using CloudFlare for storing Static Key Value pairs of the site and the site cache, can use this plugin
What I need to use this plugin?
You will need three things to run this plugin
* Zone ID – that can be seen on overview page of the site
* Auth Token – That can be created from the profile section that can manage workers
* Auth: username and password that can access the API for CLoudFlare.
Kontributor & Pengembang
“VL Cloudflare Cache Purge” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
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Log Perubahan
- Again used wp_Remote_request instead of curl call to fix the timeout error.
- Fixed the fatal error because of the timeout occur while making API Call for purging the CLoudflare Workers Static KV.
- Added more error_log statements