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TruAnon Identity


TruAnon Digital Identity “badge-of-trust” Plugin

A simple way to create a trusted ecosystem on social community sites or anywhere trust and accountability are valued.

NOTE: Before installing this plugin, check with your preferred social profile plugin to be certain TruAnon is not already seamlessly integrated.

TruAnon offers your members safety, privacy and respect:

  1. The Right to Privacy
    Assert legitimacy without requirement to reveal personally identifying or private information
  2. The Right to Self Identify
    Genuine identity free from ID cards, review or approval from authority
  3. The Right to Self-Ownership
    Respectful separation of identity out from profiles and accounts to ensure owner control

TruAnon creates the trusted ecosystem legitimate members crave.

Tangkapan Layar

  • Members assert their own legitimacy without requirement to reveal or transfer any private information. This ensures a safe, trusted ecosystem for your community.
  • Ensure the URL Path to your member profile is the same unique username as given to the shortcode and plugin. You’ll note the following image as a visual guide.


TruAnon Identity Plugin requires API keys. If you do not yet have API keys specific to your service, please contact TruAnon and we will get you started.

ask us

(click or email: and tell us about your service)

TruAnon requires a URL Path (like Twitter) that includes your unique member name, and this name should never be changed.

TruAnon Identity Plugin uses a shortcode. You can place this shortcode in whatever profile template or plugin you are using.

[#truanon_verification userid='user_identifier' username='pretty_username'#]

TruAnon Identity Plugin shortcode is often placed at the end of each member’s own full name, or in a profile area reserved for merit badges.

TruAnon Identity Plugin shortcode typically requires a snippet of code in your Functions.php file. This PHP function stuffs the shortcode into your page and responds dynamically to set your own unique membername. The following example assigns the current profile’s unique membername to the userid argument of the shortcode.

If your Social Plugin is UsersWP, you might add an action and push your username as follows:

add_action( 'uwp_profile_after_title', 'uwp_profile_after_title' );
function uwp_profile_after_title( $user_id ) {
    $user = get_userdata( $user_id );
    $username = $user->user_nicename;
    echo do_shortcode( '[truanon_verification userid='.$user_id.' username='.$username.']' );

Another example might be a theme using Buddy Press Social Plugin as follows:

add_action( 'bimber_buddypress_memebers_after_user_name', 'bimber_buddypress_memebers_after_user_name' );
function bimber_buddypress_memebers_after_user_name( $user_id ) {
    $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
    $user_name =  bp_core_get_username( $user_id );
    echo do_shortcode( '[truanon_verification username='.$user_name.' userid ='.$user_id.']' );

In each case, you’ll need to identify the username you’ll want to use in your URL Path and ensure there is a unique membername the plugin can use to identify your members.

In this way, the shortcode automatically displays for the correct user and is displayed wherever you want.

Tanya Jawab

Does This Prevent Spammers and Masqerading?

Yes, You cannot impersonate or masquerade using TruAnon. You cannot make multiple accounts because properties you confirm have only one owner.

Is TruAnon a GDPR Compliant Solution?

Yes, TruAnon does not rely on private information leaving your service free from liability.

Do Members Have The Right to Privacy?

Yes, TruAnon lets any member assert legitimacy without requirement to reveal or transfer any private information.

Do Members Have The Right to Self Identify?

Yes, Members confirm their own badge providing genuine identity free from ID cards, review or approval from authority.

Do Members Have The Right to Self-Ownership?

Yes, TruAnon respectfully separates identity out of profiles and accounts ensuring owner control and privacy.

How Long Does Confirmation Take?

Confirmation is immediate and continuous, it takes just a few minutes before most first-time users are satisfied with their own report.


28 Oktober 2021
Using and installing the TruAnon system is easy, as long as you follow the directions that the company provides for installation and use. The benefits of the TruAnon platform can be many, including allowing for decals to be placed on your member’s websites and other profiles which really makes the TruAnon platform a validation resource for your organization and a great investment for you to consider implementing today.
Baca semua 2 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“TruAnon Identity” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan


  • This is the initial release of TruAnon Identity Plugin.


  • This Update include bug fixed not neccesary ajax call, Avoid Popup Blockers, reset cofuse text in setting.


  • This Update fixes edge-case confirmation requirements and improves reliability.


  • This Update provides all-new settings and improved user experience.


  • Fixes updates and improvements.


  • Highly Refined Confirmation Experience.


  • Fixes to interface.


  • Compatability update, interface updates.


  • UX updates.


  • Major release update with better badges and better user-experience.