Tag Plugin: ios
App Reviews LITE
(2 total rating)Carousel to display iOS app ratings & reviews right from the App Store in real time on your Wordpress site. No maintenance required.
iOS Smart App Banner For Safari
(1 total rating)iOS Smart App Banner For Safari plugin quickly and easily displays app banners for your web users who are using mobile Safari on iOS.
App Redirect
(1 total rating)App Redirect is a WordPress plugin that redirects users to the appropriate app store based on their operating system. It's useful for promoting y …
Mobile App Showcase Widget
(0 total rating)This WordPress plugin simply adds a sidebar widget to showcase your mobile application, whether an iPhone or an Android app.
(0 total rating)If emoji is included in the post content, this plug-in escaped before saving.
WooSignal WooCommerce App
(0 total rating)Mobile Woocommerce app templates, connect your store in minutes and have a complete native IOS or Android app for your customers on the App store.
(0 total rating)Launch a world-class mobile app for your brand within minutes, without codes. Ready-to-market feature-rich app for your e-commerce store instantly.
App Display Page
(3 total rating)Adds a shortcode to display information about iOS apps from Apple's App Store.
iPad Rubberneck Disrupter
(1 total rating)Hides the WordPress login password as it is typed on your iPad or other IOS device.
Set No sleep For IOS
(0 total rating)Set No Sleep Mode for IOS and Your PWA using Wordpress Widgets.
QR Links
(0 total rating)QR code generator and redirection of mobile devices to their own application sites (Libraries used: PHP QR Code, Mobile Detect).
(0 total rating)Monoslideshow For Wordpress replaces the standard photo gallery created in Wordpress with Monoslideshow.
NAPPS – Mobile app builder
(0 total rating)Create your app with NAPPS. We are a mobile app builder for e-commerce, download our plugin and start your free trial.
(0 total rating)wp2phone plugin allows you to create, design and manage the content of a native iPhone & iPad app, directly in WordPress dashboard.
EDD – Status Board
(3 total rating)Integrate the Easy Digital Downloads API with the Status Board iPad app from Panic.