Tag Plugin: buddypress
BP Attachments
(3 total rating)BP Attachments is a BuddyPress Add-on to manage your community members media.
BuddyPress Members Only
(26 total rating)BuddyPress Members Only restricts Your Buddypress and Wordpress to logged in/registered members.
BuddyCommerce: WooCommerce and BuddyPress Integration
(5 total rating)Highly Flexible WooCommerce to BuddyPress integration which puts site admins in the complete control.
BuddyPress Edit Activity
(18 total rating)BuddyPress Edit Activity allows your members to edit their activity posts on the front-end of your BuddyPress-powered site.
BP Disable Activation Reloaded
(19 total rating)Based on crashutah, apeatling plugin Disables the activation email and automatically activates new users in BuddyPress under a standard WP install and …
BP xProfile Location
(10 total rating)This plugin works with both BuddyPress and the BuddyBoss Platform. It creates an xProfile Location field type that will use the Google Places API to p …
Member Swipe for BuddyPress
(1 total rating)Swipe through your BuddyPress members with a flick of your finger!
CBX User Online & Last Login
(6 total rating)Shows online users based on cookie for guest and session for registered user. It also records the last login of user.
BuddyPress Login Redirect to Profile
(12 total rating)Redirect users to their BuddyPress profile on login.
(14 total rating)Adds video and audio conferencing rooms to BuddyPress! Powered by Jitsi Meet!
BuddyPress Notification Widget
(6 total rating)BuddyPress notification widget allow site admins to show BuddyPress user notification in widget.
BP Search Block
(1 total rating)The BP Search Block is a BuddyPress Block to search for the content shared into your community site!
bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages
(8 total rating)Add bbPress only sidebar, Add bbpress login link, bbpress register link, forget password link, log out link in bbpress forum index pages or bbpress si …
WP Social AutoConnect
(13 total rating)A lightweight but powerful Facebook login plugin, easy to setup and transparent to new and returning users alike. Supports Buddypress.
WP Notification Bell
(12 total rating)On-site bell notifications. Display notifications custom or triggered (new posts/cpts, WooCommerce order updates, new comment replies, bbPress…)
BP Group Documents
(15 total rating)BP Group Documents creates a page within each BuddyPress group to upload and any type of file or document.
Wbcom Designs – BuddyPress Activity Social Share
(19 total rating)A free WordPress plugin enables easy sharing of BuddyPress activities across major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Wbcom Designs – Shortcodes & Elementor Widgets For BuddyPress
(10 total rating)This plugin will generate a Shortcode for Listing Activity Streams, Members, and Groups on any post/page on the website.
Custom Profile Menu for BuddyPress
(8 total rating)Create custom BuddyPress profile menu pages, gracefully.
Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress
(18 total rating)Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress provides enhanced moderation for your BuddyPress or BuddyBoss site.