Tag Plugin: acf
(1 total rating)DeliveryPlus provides a delivery option with rate calculation and filter rules. Also integrates with Gravity Forms and Advanced Custom Fields.
Synchronizing CiviCRM data to Custom Posts
(0 total rating)Provides a tool for synchronizing CiviCRM data to custom posts in Wordpress.
Advanced Custom Fields: Snippets
(0 total rating)Adds useful functions for rendering image fields, link fields, repeater fields and flexible content for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
Easy Block – ACF Pro Addon
(0 total rating)This plugin seamlessly integrates predefined Gutenberg blocks into your website, requiring the ACF Pro plugin.
ACF Post Types TMC
(0 total rating)Select field for choosing a WordPress Post Types for a radio populated with post types. Add-on for Advanced Custom Fields.
ACF Companion Lite
(0 total rating)ACF Companion Lite brings ACF in to the Gutenberg-era with a slick modern interface that Content Editors will love.
ACF My Media Cluster
(0 total rating)ACF My Media Cluster is an extension for the Advance Custom Fields plugin, which adds the ability to create groups of media files for download on a pa …
ACF Autofill
(0 total rating)A very lightweight WordPress plugin autofills ACF fields for quicker building and testing.
Image Auto Descriptions for ACF
(0 total rating)Automatically generates and displays descriptions for ACF image fields based on their settings.
ACF For Gridsome
(1 total rating)Using with gridsome source worpdress https://gridsome.org/plugins/@gridsome/source-wordpress Use for custom acf fields get to rest api neccessery pl …
Hide ACf Layout
(1 total rating)Hide a module in ACF flexible content on the frontend but still keep it in the backend
Any Post Import Export with ACF
(0 total rating)Any Post Import Export with ACF by iFlair plugin is help you to single post import and export in one site to other site with posts content, acf custom …
Import/Export for Advanced Custom Fields
(0 total rating)Import and export ACF field groups, custom post types, taxonomies, and post data with hierarchical relationships in CSV format.
(0 total rating)Allows you to add fields to the WooCommerce Checkout and My Account pages, or display fields you setup on a Product Category, on the Archive Product p …
Custom Fields Snapshots
(0 total rating)Create backups of your Advanced Custom Fields data for easy migration, version control, and restoration.