A syntax highlighter using PrismJs.
How To Use
Wrap your pre tag as shown below:
[sh_prismjs_pre class="language-py line-numbers match-braces rainbow-braces" data_line="1,4-5,7" escape_html='escape'] <pre> class Implements_Ne: ''' A class which implements the __ne__ method ''' def __ne__( self, other): return False class Not_Implements_Ne: ''' A class which does not implement the __ne__ method ''' pass </pre> [/sh_prismjs_pre]
- Replace name in language-NAME, by the name of the language that you wish to highlight. For example if the language is python, language-NAME should become language-py .
- If you wish line numbers to appear, use line-numbers .
- If you wish braces to be matched when selected use match-braces .
- If you wish to have rainbow braces use rainbow-braces .
- If you wish to highlight lines, you can use data_line, so in the example provided, colorize line 1, and colorize lines from 4 to 5, and colorize line 7.
- If you wish the content of the pre to be escaped, so for example if it contains html tags that you do not wish to be rendered, you can use escape_html=’escape’
For code tags, they also should be wrapped as follows:
[sh_prismjs_code class="language-html" escape_html='escape']<code>tag: <br/></code>[/sh_prismjs_code]
You must use the language-Name option, and you can use the escape_html option.
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- initial release.