Install this plugin to extends the GiveWP plugin to accept payments with the SecurePay Payment Platform for Malaysians.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this plugin, please contact us directly through email at . Our friendly team will gladly reply as soon as possible.
Other Integrations:
Make sure that you already have GiveWP plugin installed and activated.
- Login to your WordPress Dashboard
- Go to Plugins > Add New
- Search SecurePay For GiveWP and click Install
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
Contact us through email if you have any questions or comments about this plugin.
Belum ada ulasan untuk plugin ini.
Kontributor & Pengembang
“SecurePay For GiveWP” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
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Log Perubahan
1.0.5 (17-12-2021)
- Fixed: global securepay_live_checksum conditional logic -> GiveWP_SecurePay::sptokens().
1.0.4 (02-11-2021)
- Fixed: Undefined variable “output” -> GiveWP_SecurePay::process_payment().
- Fixed: Log and return to checkout if invalid credentials -> GiveWP_SecurePay::process_payment().
- Added: SecurePay description at non legacy forms -> GiveWP_SecurePay::give_securepay_cc_form().
1.0.3 (01-11-2021)
- Fixed: multistep form.
1.0.2 (27-10-2021)
- Fixed: typo at securepay_metabox_fields(), settings_gateways().
- Fixed: banklist_output -> js securepaybankgivewp function checking.
1.0.1 (25-08-2021)
- Fixed: bank list select script.
- Fixed: handle bank image not exists.
- Fixed: is_bank_list -> get_bank_list missing form_id.
1.0.0 (23-08-2021)
- Initial release.