Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

PWF – Products Filter for WooCommerce


PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter – Best Filter plugin.

Filter WooCommerce products and any WordPress custom post types. Easily filter by any criteria including categories, tags, any taxonomies, and price.
Filter a list of post types on its archive, categories, and taxonomies page. Also, those created by Gutenberg, any page builder plugins, and any custom PHP code use WP_Query class.

The plugin is highly customizable and includes many features.

Demo | Get Pro PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter.

Woocommerce Products Filter

The plugin has been created specifically to filter Woocommerce products. You can easily combine a group of filter items to create the perfect view of your WooCommerce shop using the built-in drag-and-drop form builder.
The PWF plugin is integrated with the order menu on the shop archive page. It can also filter the products displayed by Woocommerce shortcodes. Or any custom query created with the WordPress class WP Query.

You can use any criteria you like to filter the products, like:

  • Price.
  • Rating.
  • Product categories and tags.
  • Attributes: size, color, season, etc.
  • taxonomies (brand).

Filtering any WordPress Custom Post Types

Filter any WordPress post types, including blog posts, events, etc. You can filter those posts by any criteria you like: categories, tags, and taxonomies. It’s easy to integrate the filter with the post archive page.

Free version Features

  • RTL, Ajax.
  • Filter any custom post types.
  • Create Unlimited Filters.
  • Allows multiple selections.
  • Easy drag-and-drop form builder.
  • Scroll-to-top after doing Ajax.
  • Show or hide the count of items.
  • Push active filters into a friendly URL.
  • Action for empty filter item (show, hide, disable).
  • Controlling the position to display active filters.
  • Integrating with the Woocommerce dropdown menu orderby on the shop page.
  • Translation Ready(po & mo files).
  • Available elements to display on the front end
    Checkbox, Radio, Price slider, Star rating, Dropdown, and Button.

Premium version Features

The premium version contains All the features on the free version.

  • WordPress MultiSite.
  • Clean and Pretty URLs.

    • Pretty URL. yoursite/product-catgory-mobile/color-blue/
    • Clean URL. yoursite/?product-catgory=mobile&color=black
  • Layout
    The PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter is coming with a horizontal and vertical layout.
  • Hierarchy Taxonomies.
    You can display Hierarchy for categories and taxonomies in a checkbox list, radio list, text list, and dropdown.
  • Available Criteria
    It is possible to filter results using categories, tags, attributes, custom taxonomies, prices, custom fields, authors, stock status, search terms, ratings, on-sale products, featured products, and dates.
  • Displaying Fields On The Front End

    • Date.
    • Radio.
    • Rating.
    • Box list.
    • Text list.
    • Checkbox.
    • Price Slider.
    • Apply and reset button.
    • Search term.
    • Column layout.
    • Range slider.
    • Color list with the option to upload image.
    • Dropdown menu with multi-select option.
  • Pagination Types
    The plugin WooCommerce Products filter includes three different pagination types: numbers, a load more button, and infinite scroll. The feature works well if a theme doesn’t support a load more button or infinite scroll.
  • Displaying rules
    This allows you to hide any filter item inside the filter on any page.
  • Simple step-by-step Filter
    There is an option that allows you to hide all filter items on the front end until the visitor chooses one option from a specific filter item.
  • The plugin sortcodes and widgets
    The plugin includes three widgets as well as shortcodes. Each widget has its own shortcode. They display the filter and the active filters selected by customers.
  • WPML Plugin
    The plugin is fully compatible with the WPML plugin. Also, it works well with the SEO rewrite rules.
  • SEO Friendly
    The PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter has an excellent SEO tool. It has many advantages.

    • An easy drag-and-drop form builder.
    • Support popular SEO plugins.
    • Generate many URLs on the fly.
    • The following fields will be changed: the meta title, meta description, canonical URL, previous and next links.
  • Filter WooCommerce Products By Variations
    Using the filter item stock status helps your customers to display in-stock and out-of-stock products depending on product variations. For example, color and size.
  • Advanced WooCommerce Ajax
    The free and paid versions both support Ajax. This feature only works with WooCommerce products.
  • Page Builder Plugins
    The PWF plugin is compatible with most popular page builder plugins such as Elementor, Elementor PRO, PowerPack for Elementor, WPBakery Page Builder, Divi Builder, Themify Builder, Oxygen Builder, and Beaver Builder.
  • Elementor plugin
    The plugin is compatible with the Elementor plugin pro and PowerPack for Elementor, so you can use Ajax to get Woocommerce products.
  • Style Customization Tool
    You can customize the plugin’s style to match the website’s theme style. For example, the colors, font size, shape size, and hover.
  • Advanced cache system
    The plugin cache all counted terms and product ids to increase load speed. Additionally, this feature is compatible with popular cache plugins.
  • Analytics Tool
    The PWF plugin includes an amazing tool for determining what things are more interesting to your customers so you can make decisions about your website to improve it.
  • Plugin REST API
    The feature allows you to integrate our plugin with an Android or iPhone App if your website has one.
  • Developer Friendly
    The plugin has many WordPress and Javascript hooks that developers can use to make our plugin compatible with the site’s theme. For example, modify the templates used to display products, result counts, and pagination.

Tangkapan Layar

  • PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter
  • Filter Settings | PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter
  • Filter Settings – Query type | PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter
  • Filter Settings – CSS Selectors | PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter 5- CSS Selectors – on Front End | PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter
  • Filter Item – Color | PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter 7- SEO Rewrite rule | PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter
  • Analytics | PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter


  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  2. Upload the plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
  3. Activate PWF Product Filters for WooCommerce from the plugins page.

Plugin settings

  1. Plugin settings can be found in the admin area, filters > settings.

Tanya Jawab

Is it compatible with all WordPress themes?

  • By default, The plugin is compatible with most WordPress themes that follow the recommended coding standards for WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • For none Woocommerce post type edit the filter settings click the tab Database query type and disable the option using ajax.

How to add a new filter?

Go to WordPress filters > add a new filter.

How to integrate the Filter with the archive Shop Page?

1- How to create a new filter for Woocommerce?
2- How to create a new filter for any custom post type?

After filtering my page breaks down/has missing elements

1- Edit the filter settings click the tab Database query type and disable the option using ajax.
2- This could be related to an incompatibility with your theme; in most cases, it could be caused by missing JS initialization after filtering or requires to adding PHP code to display what are you missing.

How can I get more features for the PWF plugin?

You can get more features with the premium version of PWF – WooCommerce Products Filter.


23 November 2022 1 balasan
The plugin works perfectly, and when I had a problem, the developer helped me very quickly. I recommend to all in wordpress/woocommerce.
12 Januari 2022
I’ve searched a plugin like this for soooo long – brilliant filter plugin and awesome support!!
Baca semua 4 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“PWF – Products Filter for WooCommerce” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan

Fixed: If the WooCommerce plugin doesn’t exsit.
Fixed: admin functions related to anlytics
Addes: A link to PRO on the setting page.