PW WooCommerce Exclude Free Shipping


Let’s say your customer has the following products in their cart:

  1. Paper Airplane
  2. Box of playing cards
  3. A Grand Piano

You offer “free shipping for orders over $50” but you specify that some restrictions apply.

Naturally the Grand Piano will cost quite a bit to ship so you don’t want to offer free shipping on this order.

With this plugin, the Grand Piano can be marked “Exclude Free Shipping” which means the user will pay for shipping of this unique item. See screenshots for a visual example.

Works for Simple Products, Variable Products, and even Variations!

I have many products that I need to update. How can I do this quickly?
This plugin is compatible with our PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit Pro plugin.
Quickly update the products that should be excluded from the Free Shipping offer.

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Check out our most popular plugin PW WooCommerce Gift Cards.
We also offer many other Free and Premium Plugins to help your WooCommerce store!

Tangkapan Layar

  • By default, the “Exclude Free Shipping” field is unchecked.
  • Customers will likely not want to pay shipping!
  • Checking the “Exclude Free Shipping” stops you from losing money.
  • Free Shipping is no longer an option.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/pw-woocommerce-exclude-free-shipping directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to a WooCommerce Product and open the Shipping tab.
  4. Check (or uncheck) the “Exclude Free Shipping” checkbox.

Tanya Jawab

Can I use PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit to check the Exclude Free Shipping field?


23 Maret 2024 1 balasan
Great solution to exclude some products from free shipping. Thanks!
21 Juni 2020 1 balasan
Me funciona perfectamente. Lo utilizo conjuntamente con las dos opciones que trae Woocommerce y he solucionado el problema “del piano de cola” que explica el desarrollador. Si la compra es de productos “normales”, trabajan las opciones de “precio fijo” y “envío gratis” que trae Woocmmerce por defecto. Si la compra incluye un artículo “especial” marcado con este plugin, ya no aparece la opción de “envío gratis” y trabaja solo con la opción de “precio fijo”. A mayores si al producto “especial” le asignas una “clase de envío”, ya tienes además la opción de sumar precios fijos especiales por clase de envío. Lo dicho, una combinación simple, sencilla, ligera y gratis.
Baca semua 10 ulasan

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“PW WooCommerce Exclude Free Shipping” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


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Log Perubahan


  • Load translation files in the plugins_loaded event rather than init.


  • Changed hook for loading translations file to avoid warning in WordPress 6.7.


  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.7 and WooCommerce 9.4.


  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.1. Added requirement for WooCommerce plugin to be installed.


  • WooCommerce 9.0 compatibility.


  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.5 and WooCommerce 8.7 Revised tags in readme.txt


  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.4


  • Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2


  • WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility.


  • Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0 and WordPress 6.3

Previous versions

  • See changelog.txt