

Plugin ini telah ditutup sejak tanggal 30 Oktober 2024 dan tidak dapat diunduh. Alasan: Masalah Keamanan.


20 Juni 2022
Apparently this is designed to only work with specific premium themes from the same developer and explicitly designed to not work with all wordpress sites.
4 Mei 2022
Use a different plugin as this one has some major issues. – Created galleries display as 404 Error – If you can ever get it to show the gallery the layout is broken and doesn’t appear like it does in the demo. I tried this with multiple themes and the results are the same everytime.
5 Juni 2017
Installed PixProof because the demo of it looked perfect. Unfortunately, permalinks to the proof gallery I created don’t work. I just get a 404 error. It’s a shame, but it seems the developers have abandoned this project.
Baca semua 16 ulasan

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“PixProof – Easy Photo Proofing for Photographers” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


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