List Petfinder Pets


Petfinder is a free site where shelters and rescues can post pets for adoption. The List Petfinder Pets plugin takes advantage of the Petfinder API to list your available pets on your website. All you need is your Petfinder shelter id and free Petfinder API v2.0 API key and secret.

The List Petfinder Pets plugin allows you to:

  1. Display all your shelter’s Petfinder pets on your own website
  2. Display a featured or random pet from Petfinder in a widget

Sign up to be notified when the Petfinder plugin is updated

You can sign up to receive notices when this plugin is updated or other important changes here: (



[shelter_list] displays a list of pets from your shelter. You must enter your shelter ID, Petfinder v2.0 API key and secret on the List Petfinder Pets’ settings page for this shortcode to work. You may also need to edit your Petfinder settings to enable sharing your data with third parties. See Petfinder settings under Frequently Asked Questions below.
Optional attributes for shortcode are:

  • shelter_id – Allows you to list adoptable pets from a shelter different from the shelter id defined in your List Petfinder Pets Settings.

  • breed – If you wish to list only one breed on a page, or leave blank/don’t set to get all breeds. Note: adding ! before breed to exclude breeds was removed when plugin was updated to support Petfinder API v2.0 in version 1.0.13.

  • count – The maximum number of pets to return. Defaults to 75 and must be a number. Petfinder API v2.0 added ability to filter before retrieving results so you can set the count to the real number you want to list on the page now. Max returned is 100.

  • page – Which page of pets to return. If you have over 100 pets, or want to break up your pets into multiple pages, you can put the shortcode on multiple pages, each with a different page number. You’ll need to add a link to each page so your users can navigate between pages. NOTE: Don’t set ‘sort_by’ parameter when using page. Sorting only sorts the pets returned on the current page. Petfinder does not provide a way to sort by pet’s name. It can only sort by recent and distance in the initial call. I sort by name after the results are returned so it won’t work with paging.

  • animal – Type of animal. Value should be one of the following or blank/don’t set to get all: Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Small & Furry, Horse, Bird, Scales, Fins & Other, Barnyard.

  • include_info – Value should be set to “yes” or “no”; default is “yes”. If set to “yes”, Breeds, Spayed/Neutered, Up-to-date with routine shots, Housebroken, kid safe, cat safe, dog safe, special needs are displayed in list below photo thumbnails. Each list item has a different CSS class so you can hide any you do not want to show.

  • css_class – Set your own class name on div containing all pets. The default value is ‘pets’. This allows you to control the styles separately on different pages.

  • status – For backwards compatability values can be one of [A, H, P, X], and new values of [adoptable, adopted, found]. Petfinder API V1 used: ‘A’ = adoptable, ‘H’ = hold, ‘P’ = pending, ‘X’ = adopted/removed. Petfinder API V2 only accepts adoptable, adopted, and found, so values of H and P switch to adoptable now.

  • sort_by – Value can be: newest, last_updated or name. Value can also be set globally in Petfinder Settings.

  • age – Accepts values of: baby, young, adult, or senior. Can separate with commas to display pets that match more than one age group. If not set, will display pets from all age groups.

  • Note – parameter include_mixes was removed with Petfinder API v2.0 in plugin version 1.0.13

  • Note – parameter contact was removed with version 1.0.19.

[shelter_list breed=”Italian Greyhound”] – other breeds are not displayed

Example: [shelter_list count=20 page=1] and on another page [shelter_list count=20 page=2] – would list the first 20 pets on page with first shortcode, and the 2nd 20 pets on page with second shortcode.

Example using all attributes: [shelter_list shelter_id=”WI185″ breed=”Italian Greyhound” count=75 page=2 animal=”Dog” include_info=”no” css_class=”cats” status=”adoptable” sort_by=”newest” age=”baby”]

You can also list a single pet with the following shortcode
[get_pet pet_id=”numeric value”]

  • pet_id – Required. You can get this id from the pet’s Petfinder URL. URL will look like the following: – 45732995 is the pet_id.

  • css_class – Set your own class name on div containing single pet. The default value is ‘pets’. This allows you to control the styles separately on different pages.

  • include_info – Value should be set to “yes” or “no”; default is “yes”. If set to “yes”, Breeds, Spayed/Neutered, Up-to-date with routine shots, Housebroken, kid safe, cat safe, dog safe, special needs are displayed in list below photo thumbnails. Each list item has a different CSS class so you can hide any you do not want to show.

Example using all attributes: [get_pet pet_id=”23367571″ include_info=”no” css_class=”cats”]


Add the List Petfinder Pets Featured Pet widget under Appearance -> Widgets. After adding the widget to a widget area you can set a featured pet id to display a featured pet, or leave blank to display a random pet from your shelter.
Featured Pet Widget Settings:

Featured Pet ID – You can get this id from the pet’s Petfinder URL. URL will look like the following: – 45732995 is the pet id.

Your Listing Page URL – The page where your shortcode [shelter_list] can be found. If this is set, your featured pet will link directly to this pet on your shelter list page. (Optional)

Featured Pet Image Size – The size of the Featured Pet image. (Required)

Featured Pet PDF Link – If you would like to create a PDF with more information about your Featured Pet. Link to the PDF uploaded separately through WordPress’ Media here.


Need to change your pets’ description? Perhaps you want to remove/replace special characters that are not displaying correctly, or want to add a paragraph to the end of all pets’ descriptions? You can do so with the following filter. Add it to your functions.php file. The filter name is petf_replace_description and it acts on all pets’ descriptions.

function replace_pet_description( $description ) {
return $description . ” Add me to end of all pets’ descriptions”;
add_filter( ‘petf_replace_description’, ‘replace_pet_description’ );

Tangkapan Layar

  • Settings Page
  • Widget Settings
  • Excerpt of one pet from page with shortcode [shelter_list]
  • Widget display


  1. Upload expanded petfinder-listings folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Set your Petfinder v2.0 API Key and Secret, Shelter Id, Thumbnail and Large image size under WordPress Settings -> List Petfinder Pets. You will need to generate a free Petfinder API key on Petfinder here: You’ll need to create an account on Petfinder first if you don’t already have one. You do not need to use your shelter’s Petfinder account to generate these keys, you can use your own. Your shelter ID is your Shelter’s Petfinder username, usually your state abbreviation and a number.
  4. Place the shortcode [shelter_list] in a Page or Post content to display your pet list on a page. The list includes all pets’ name, description and photos uploaded to Petfinder.
  5. If the list is not working after correctly entering all your List Petfinder Pets Settings, make sure your Petfinder account is set up to share data through Petfinder’s API. To do this, log into your Petfinder account and click on the Organization Info tab. Look for the box labeled ‘Share Pet List’ and make sure all checkboxes within this box are selected: Please share my pet list with all third parties, Partner sites & Petfinder API users. (As of 12/1/2019, I do not know if these instructions need to be changed after Petfinder updated its interface. I do not currently have a shelter Petfinder account to view this information. If these instructions need to be changed, please contact me so I can update them. )
  6. Add the List Petfinder Pets Featured Pet widget (Appearance -> Widgets) if desired.

Tanya Jawab

How do you get a Petfinder API key?

You will need to generate a free Petfinder API key on Petfinder here:

What to do if your page doesn’t list any pets and says ‘shelter opt-out’

If the list is not working after correctly entering your Petfinder API and Secret and the page displays a status of ‘shelter opt-out’, make sure your Petfinder account is set up to share data through Petfinder’s API. To do this, log into your Petfinder account and click on the Organization Info tab. Look for the box labeled ‘Share Pet List’ and make sure all checkboxes within this box are selected: Please share my pet list with all third parties, Partner sites & Petfinder API users. (Please let me know if these instructions need to be updated after Petfinder changed its interface.)

My site is going over Petfinder’s daily API limit

First, be sure your site is using a caching plugin. If your page listing pets is cached, it will lower the number of API calls the site makes to Petfinder. You might be able to increase the amount of time pages are stored in cache.

If your site is still going over your API limit, contact Petfinder and ask to increase your API daily limit. Caching saves on server processing power, which saves electricity, which saves trees, so please try caching your site first.

How do you change the Petfinder list styles?

This plugin generates generic HTML and includes a stylesheet to position the elements. To style, override the CSS in your theme’s stylesheet. You might need to add !important to some styles, or use greater specificity.

I have a video in petfinder but it isn’t showing on my site.

Petfinder does not return video information through their API, however if you have a video on YouTube you can paste the video embed code in your pet’s description to display the video through the Petfinder plugin.


3 Juli 2022
This plugin is as perfect as it can get. It makes the API call for you and brings in the dynamic content allowing me, as the designer, to style it the way I want it to look. It’s fast light, flexible and stable. Everything you need to put up a site for a rescue! I just deployed site where I used the plugin and my client could not be more happy.
6 Oktober 2020 4 balasan
I’m not a programmer but this plugin is easy to install and use. I wish I knew more programming so I could display my data in a horizontal slider type view but the display is certainly nicer than just linking to Petfinder and I did manage to modify the data that shows per the developer’s instructions. I appreciate it being free as most rescues do not have the money to spend on anything extra. Thanks for taking the time to code this great plugin!
28 April 2020
Thank you so much! I was donating a little time to a local rescue and was thrilled to find your plugin. Took no time to install! Clean, friendly, easy to use. Wonderful project. TIP FOR USERS: To customize it, I chose to use a little javasctipt. For example, I wanted the featured pet in the sidebar to say “MEET ME!” and I did it like this: jQuery('#featured_pet').children('p').children('a').addClass('nowrap button-sals'); jQuery('#featured_pet').children('p').children('a').text('Meet Me!'); I also added some bootstrap classes as needed like this: jQuery('.dog').addClass('col-md-4 col-sm-6'); Just remember that it has to all be done once DOM is loaded. jQuery( document ).ready(function(){});
6 Maret 2020 1 balasan
I purchased & installed a WordPress theme that synced automatically with Petfinder listings for a nonprofit, & since Petfinder began transitioning to their 2.0 API a few months ago, our volunteers have been doing overtime trying to verify which pet each inquiry was regarding. When the developer told me I’d have to pay him hourly in order to update the theme, I searched for other alternatives & found this FREE plug-in. I just added the plug-in, entered our API info, updated the page template, input the shortcode & VOILA! I can’t believe how easy this was to set up. I have a good amount of WP experience but I’m far from being a developer. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you from myself, the rest of our volunteers, & the pups whose lives could be saved!
19 Agustus 2024
Thank you to the developer of this plugin for taking it over and getting it up to date! Our Available for Adoption page is now mobile friendly! Without this plugin it would be impossible to keep up with all of the animals that are in and out of our rescue.
19 September 2017
I appreciate the author’s contribution that has helped many shelters and rescue organizations. However it no longer works and I would love to see this updated… It really was a beautiful plugin
Baca semua 11 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“List Petfinder Pets” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan


  • 11/13/2024
  • Changing Pet Names to H2s


  • 11/13/2024
  • Fixing styles


  • 11/12/2024
  • Added CSS to fix display of thumbnails


  • 11/12/2024
  • Fixing version.


  • 11/12/2024
  • Fixed so works with Petfinder’s API changes.


  • Changed string sanitization function used for plugin output *


  • 3/14/2022
  • Fixed Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
  • Removed Petfinder API v1 specific settings and code.
  • Removed contact as a shortcode parameter
  • Changed plugin name from Petfinder Listings to List Petfinder Pets – plugin could not begin with Petfinder because this is not an official plugin owned by Petfinder


  • 9/3/2020
  • Added Setting to remove “View full description »” link after each Pet’s description. You might do this if you’ve asked Petfinder to return your pets’ full description. I’ve heard Petfinder will return the full pet description instead of a short excerpt in API v2.0 if you ask.


  • 5/1/2020
  • Fixed Install errors.


  • 4/22/2020
  • Added age to shortcode parameters. Can have values of baby, young, adult, senior and accepts multiple values separated with a comma
  • Added Debug setting to output response from Petfinder if no Pets are returned.


  • 1/6/2020 *
  • Added petf_replace_description filter so pet description can be edited before printed to page.
  • Added page parameter to shortcode if using API v2.0.


  • 12/15/2019
  • Fixed class reference to correctly save options when newly installed, and removed extra close div on pets with no description.


  • 12/2/2019
  • Converted to use Petfinder API Version 2
  • In order to use the Petfinder API Version 2 (), you will need to get a new API Key and Secret from Note, Petfinder API no longer returns the full pet description so instead, I included a link to view the pet on Petfinder. You can keep using Petfinder API v1.0 until it stops working if you want to display your pets’ full description. Petfinder API v1.0 is supposed to stop working Jan 2020.


  • Added namespace prefixes to new functions.


  • Fixed so large images display.
  • Added sorting pets on newest, last_updated and name
  • Added ability to set message in shortcode for when petfinder is down. Can link to own petfinder page using shortcode attribute petfinder_down_message.


  • Fixed so if no pets listed returns “No results found for this pet. Please check back soon!” instead of Petfinder is down message.


  • Switched to using WordPress call to get data from petfinder which should work on more web hosts.
  • Added type of pet to outer div around pet details.


  • Added shortcode get_pet to list a single pet by petfider ID.
  • Added shelter_list attribute status.


  • Added shortcode attribute contact. This allows you to list dogs attributed to different contacts on different pages. Contacts can be added in the Petfinder Admin Contacts page. The contact value should match your contact’s first and last name. For example, contact=”Bill Smith”. When adding an animal you can set the contact person in the Contact/Location box. The location information is not available through Petfinder’s API but the Contact name is. Also added “Powered by” option at request of Petfinder.


  • Added shortcode attribute include_info
  • Removed Setting Include Cat or Kid Safe and switched to shortcode attribute include_info
  • Added different css classes to each info list item.
  • Added a shortcode attribute css_class to set css class on div containing all pets.


  • Added shortcode attributes animal and count
  • Added note on how to display video within description
  • Switched mixed breed dogs to not display when breed is set.


  • Bug Fixes with repository set up


  • This is the first version