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NotificationButton – FREE Web Push Notifications for WordPress or Online Store

Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

NotificationButton – FREE Web Push Notifications for WordPress or Online Store


NotificationButton plugin for WordPress Web Push Notifications integration, and allows your users to subscribe to push notifications. Send messages to your web visitors instantly without sending any e-mail. Notifications to desktop computers, laptops, cell phones or tablets.

Why choose NotificationButton alternative?

  • Ultrafast servers and latest technology
  • The FREE account includes a sequence of notifications (or welcome drip notifications)
  • Very fast integration
  • Account without invalid subscriptions. (Automatic cleaning system)

Benefits of NotificationButton Browser Notifications for WordPress or Online Store:

  • Increase your sales today through an instant Notifications !
  • Send messages directly to their mobiles or computer screen.
  • They do not need open an email or to be connected to your website to receive your message !
  • Push Notifications have up to 10 times better click-through rate than traditional marketing methods like emails and very high visibility even without being clicked.
  • Send notifications with emojis and increase your clicks up to 80% !.
  • Easier to get a lot of subscriptions as Push Notifications don’t require any personal information.
  • Works on both Desktop and Mobile devices (without app) even when browser is closed.

Here are some more features to give your website an instant boost:

  • Broader Reach: NotificationButton Web Push Notifications work with Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera (80%+ market-share) on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Timezone based scheduling: Schedule notifications based on the timezone of your subscribers to reach them when they are active, resulting in more engagement and higher revenue.
  • Segmentation with Advanced Targeting: With segments, you can personalize notifications for your customers based on their interests. We already have segments based on Location, Device, Browser, operating system and register Url.
  • Schedule Notifications: If you have any deals, schedule your notifications for some moment of day, week or month.

NotificationButton’s Marketing Solution:

You can start with a lifetime free account with unlimited notifications and as you grow, move to one of the paid plans for more features. With NotificationButton you can convert your visitors into customers and keep them coming back to your website.

If you’ve any query or issue, please get in touch with us at support@notificationbutton.com


Activate the plugin from “Plugins” page.

Tangkapan Layar

  • NotificationButton – Send notifications from your website
  • NotificationButton – Why choose NotificationButton.com ?
  • Send notification from our platform
  • Configure an automated sequence


  1. Download the NotificationButton plugin; unzip and upload it to plugins directory “/wp-content/plugins” OR install it from “Plugins -> Add New” page from your WordPress website.
  2. Activate the plugin from “Plugins” page.
  3. Sign-up for a free account at NotificationButton. Add your website to this plugin works.
  4. That’s it!


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“NotificationButton – FREE Web Push Notifications for WordPress or Online Store” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


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  • First version