Add menu separators to navigation


Allow separator (HR / line) and unlinked, text-only entries in WordPress’ classic navigation menus.

Block editor

This plugin does not support the Block Editor or the navigation block. It is intended for use with the classic menus (e.g. wp_nav_menu).


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Edit your menu in the “Appearance” section of WordPress Admin. Add a custom link entry, then use --- (three dashes) as link text for a horizontal line or use # as a URL for an unlinked menu entry.


Version 2.1.0 of the plugin added two filters, with which developers can customise the output.

  • mhm-menu-separator/separator allows customisation of a separator output. Receives the arguments '<hr class="mhm-menu-separator">' (the uncustomised HTML) and $item (the menu item).
  • mhm-menu-separator/title allows customisation of an unlinked menu entry. Receives the arguments $item->post_title (the plain, unlinked menu item text) and $item (the menu item).


24 Februari 2021 1 balasan
Very easy to install and use. A real time-saver.
Baca semua 3 ulasan

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“Add menu separators to navigation” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


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Log Perubahan


  • Fix post title comparison for correct output of HR tag.


  • Fix version number. Sorry!


  • Add plugin assets for plugin repository. (Not part of functional code.)


  • Add filters for customisation of HTML output.


  • Confirms compatibility up to WordPress 5.3.2.


  • Confirms functionality up to WordPress 5.2.0.
  • Use short syntax for PHP arrays.
  • Code tidying (no functional changes).
  • Demands PHP 5.6.


  • Add CSS class name to the menu separator HTML tag.
  • Confirmation of compatibility up to WordPress 4.9.8.

  • Confirmation of compatibility with WordPress 4.7.4.


  • Confirmation of compatibility with WordPress 4.7.
  • Swap out “key” variable for inline text domain keys, as recommended by the WordPress Translation team.
  • No functional changes.


  • Confirmation of compatibility with WordPress 4.6.


  • Remove unnecessary explicit translation entries for plugin name and description from the PHP source code.


  • Add missing text domain definition for localization.


  • Add plugin localization.
  • Add WordPress version checks.


  • Initial public version.