Bulk upload Images to automatically create Posts
The perfect tool to quickly populate your site.
Ideal for photographers, artists, galleries, photo blogs or any image based site.
Easily batch upload images after an event, gig, exhibition, wedding etc creating individual posts.
How it works
Simply drag and drop your images and posts will automatically be created with post titles, featured images and the other options you’ve selected.
- Featured image automatically assigned.
- Image file name is used as the post title.
- Works with Custom Post Types.
- Select multiple Categories, Tags, Post Formats and Custom Taxonomies at once.
- Select the Post Status: Published / Draft.
- Options for including the image in the body of the post.
- Image metadata title can also be used as the post title
Please leave a support message and I will respond asap.
- Install the plugin from the directory or by uploading a zip
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go to the Bulk > Settings page and configure the plugin options.
- Go to Bulk > Uploader and upload your images.
Tanya Jawab
- What is a taxonomy?
It’s a way to tag or categorize all the images you upload at once
- How do I change the post type and taxonomy?
Go to the settings page from the sidebar
Kontributor & Pengembang
“Images to Posts” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
KontributorTerjemahkan “Images to Posts” dalam bahasa Anda.
Tertarik mengembangkan?
Lihat kode, periksa repositori SVN , atau mendaftar ke log pengembangan melalui RSS.
Log Perubahan
- Updated for WordPress 5
- Fixed bugs where 50% of images would fail
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translations by Celso Bessa
- Added translations
- Multiple taxonomies
- Allow image metadata title to be used as the post title
- Allow image to be included in the post content with image size option
- Added post status
- The uploads box is now cleared when new taxonomies are selected and saved.
- Added brief instructions following feedback.
- Minor amends
- Complete rebuild using dropzone.js
- Added to wordpress repository
- Renamed plugin
- Finished testing.
- Custom media uploader on the options panel so that only images uploaded there are added as posts.
- Another change.
- Scan for custom taxonomies and add them to options panel