Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

Hide Title Post Page


The Hide Title plugin provides a simple way for authors to hide the title tag on single pages and posts. The plugin adds a checkbox to the edit post screen that allows authors to easily hide or show the title tag for each post or page.


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Edit a post or page, and look for the “Hide Title” meta box on the right side.
  4. Check the “Hide the title tag on this post or page” checkbox to hide the title tag on that post or page.

Tanya Jawab

How do I hide the title tag on a post or page?

To hide the title tag on a post or page, edit the post or page and look for the “Hide Title” meta box on the right side. Check the “Hide the title tag on this post or page” checkbox to hide the title tag on that post or page.


18 Agustus 2023
Ne fonctionne pas sur mon thème Fanzone et Wordpress 4.9.23, les menus sont cachés aussi. dommage je voulais un plugin récent. Malgré son ancienneté le plugin “Disable title” que j’utilise, fonctionne très bien malgré qu’il ne soit plus mis à jour depuis 9 ans… Doesn’t work on my Fanzone and Wordpress 4.9.23 theme, menus are hidden too, too bad I wanted a recent plugin. Despite its age, the “Disable title” plugin that I use works very well despite the fact that it hasn’t been updated for 9 years…
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Kontributor & Pengembang

“Hide Title Post Page” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan

– Initial release.