Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

Genesis Connect for Woothemes Sensei


The plugin expands on the Sensei Documentation about adding theme compatibility.

You will need the Sensei plugin and the Genesis Framework from StudioPress and/or one of its child themes.

In other words, if you are not trying to integrate the Sensei plugin with the Genesis Framework and/or one of its child themes, you don’t need or want this plugin.

This plugin will only work (i.e. activate) if the Genesis Framework and its child themes are activated.

Version 1.1.0 forces a content-sidebar layout on course, lesson and question posts to avoid the sidebar showing underneath the main content.

Version 1.2.0 adds the Genesis Layout options to course, lesson and question posts and archives and the module taxonomy allowing better control about the layout options.
For backwards compatibility, the single posts are still set to a content-sidebar layout but this can be overwritten by the Genesis Layout options.

It should not be necessary to remove the formerly forced content-sidebar layout on single posts with

remove_action( 'genesis_meta', 'gcfws_force_content_sidebar_layout_on_cpt_posts' );

in your functions.php anymore. Please use the Genesis Layout options instead.


  1. Upload the entire Genesis-Connect-for-Woothemes-Sensei folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Alternatively, you can

  1. Click on ‘Add new’ in the ‘Plugins’ menu
  2. Type (or copy and paste) the name of this plugin into the search box
  3. Click on ‘Install Now’

Tanya Jawab

Does this work with any WordPress theme?

No. This plugin only works with the Genesis Framework and its child themes.

Does this work with any Genesis child theme?

Yes and no. Technically, it does.
However, depending on other factors such as the individual theme’s styling and layout, the output may be unexpected, and require some tweaking.
Case in point, if the full-width layout is selected in the Genesis settings, lessons, course and question posts are showing a sidebar underneath the main content.

Version 1.1.0 forced a content-sidebar layout on single course, lesson and questions.
Since Version 1.2.0 the Genesis Layout options can be used to alter the appearance.

Are there any settings?

You simply activate the plugin and the necessary wrappers are inserted into your Genesis child theme.

Since version 1.2.0, you can choose the layouts of your courses, lessons, questions and modules with the Genesis Layout options.

How can I change how the plugin works?

There are no settings and no settings screen. You would have to change the code directly in the source.


17 Mei 2020
This plugin work as promised, maybe need some fine tuning but thank you!
3 September 2016
Works out of the box with Genesis and Sensei 1.9.3 – even with my customized Magazine Pro theme. This used to be a major, incompatibility issue that Christopher Herr solved. He also updated the plugin to reflect the Sensei 1.9 changes – very much appreciated. Brilliant work – highly recommended!
Baca semua 4 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“Genesis Connect for Woothemes Sensei” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


“Genesis Connect for Woothemes Sensei” telah diterjemahkan dalam 4 bahasa. Terima kasih kepada para penerjemah untuk kontribusi-nya.

Terjemahkan “Genesis Connect for Woothemes Sensei” dalam bahasa Anda.

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Log Perubahan


  • Adds Genesis Layout options to course, lesson, and question posts and archives and the module taxonomy.
  • Previously forced content-sidebar layout can be overwritten by the Genesis Layout options.
  • Updates Readme.
  • More modular code structure.


  • Better Code Standards.
  • Removes unnecessary code.
  • Updates Readme Urls.


  • Adds check to only activate if Woothemes Sensei is already active.
  • Forces a content-sidebar layout on single course, lesson and question posts.
    To change this behaviour add remove_action( 'genesis_meta', 'gcfws_force_content_sidebar_layout' ); to your functions.php.
  • After Woothemes Sensei changed their code base dramatically in the 1.9 update,
    the previous method of removing the sensei wrappers started to throw error messages.
    This update introduces a version check to use the appropriate array for removing the sensei wrappers.


  • Corrected oversight in the original code. First closing tag should be </main> instead of </div>
    see: [Cobalt Apps Forum] (


  • POT file added


  • Loading textdomain for i18n


  • Initial release on Github