Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

BuddyPress Group Default Avatar


Allows specifying the URL of an image to use as the BuddyPress default group avatar. This makes it easy to distinguish groups from members who are using the mystery man default user avatar. The avatar scales from full to thumb as per your theme settings. It works in all situations (activity stream, groups, forums, directory, etc). Upload your image to somewhere within your theme and drop the full URL in the options screen. Not yet working for multisite/network install.

Tangkapan Layar

  • Settings show the URL input and a preview of your image.


  1. Upload buddypress-default-group-avatar to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to BP Group Avatar under the BuddyPress menu and set your image URL.

Tanya Jawab

Does the plugin allow me to upload images directly?

No. Use the media uploader or FTP.


Belum ada ulasan untuk plugin ini.

Kontributor & Pengembang

“BuddyPress Group Default Avatar” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan


  • Changed wording of icon to avatar.
  • Barely different to Tareq Hasan’s original.