The Ardent Pixels’ Extended MIME Types plugin was created specifically for WPMS in mind. You can now allow all or only select blogs to upload a WIDE range of file types.
Included MIME Types:
- ac3
- ai
- aif
- aifc
- aiff
- au
- avi
- bmp
- cat
- clp
- crd
- css
- csv
- csv
- dll
- doc
- docm
- docx
- dot
- dotm
- dotx
- eps
- flv
- gif
- gtar
- gz
- gzip
- ics
- ief
- ifb
- jpe
- jpeg
- jpg
- js
- m13
- m14
- mdb
- mid
- midi
- mny
- mov
- movie
- mp3
- mp4
- mpa
- mpe
- mpeg
- mpg
- mpp
- msg
- mvb
- pict
- png
- pot
- potm
- potx
- ppam
- pps
- ppsm
- ppsx
- ppt
- pptm
- pptx
- ps
- pub
- qt
- ra
- ram
- rtf
- rtx
- scd
- snd
- sst
- stl
- swf
- tif
- tiff
- trm
- tsv
- txt
- w6w
- wav
- wmf
- word
- wri
- xla
- xlam
- xlc
- xlm
- xls
- xlsb
- xlsm
- xlsx
- xlt
- xltm
- xltx
- xlw
- zip
= Donations =
Feel free to donate if you liked this plugin.
Single WordPress Install
- Upload the ap-extended-mime-types folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
WordPress MultiSite Install
- Upload the ap-extended-mime-types folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Network Activate the plugin through the Network Admin > Plugins menu in WordPress
–OR– - Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress on an individual site basis
Tanya Jawab
- Do I need to do anything else for AP Extended MIME Types to work?
Nope, just upload and activate. There are not options, so the code’ll do the rest.
- How do I add a new MIME type?
Edit mime-types.txt to add/remove MIME types. Add your new MIME type in this format: extension content/type. For example:
- pdf application/pdf
- mid,midi audio/midi
For more file and formatting examples, view the mime-types.txt file. Also, a full list of MIME types is kept up on the IANA website.
- What in the world is a MIME?
No, MIMEs are not white-faced, beret-sporting people who live in a “box”. MIMEs are Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
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Kontributor & Pengembang
“AP Extended MIME Types” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
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Log Perubahan
- ap-extended-mime-types.php, line 44: changed double quotes to single
- mime-types.txt: changed commas to pipettes
- “doc,dot,word,w6w” now upload correctly
- Removed .htm & .html as allowed file types
- First release