Plugin ini belum teruji dangan 3 rilis besar WordPress. Kemungkinan tidak lagi dipelihara atau didukung, dan mungkin menghadapi masalah kompatibilitas bila digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang lebih baru.

Admin Bar Hopper


Admin Bar Hopper adds another dropdown menu to the WP Admin Bar, with quick links to Hop To the various parts of your site. So while you are logged in, any Page / Category of your site can be just 1 quick hop away. A Settings page lets you control which areas to add to the “Hop To…” dropdown menu.

Currently supports listing: Pages, Menus, and (Post) Categories

Tangkapan Layar

  • Example of the Admin Bar Hopper “Hop To…” menu as it is added to the WP 3.1 Admin Bar
  • Settings page, where you can control which items to include in the “Hop To…” dropdown


  1. Upload the entire admin-bar-hopper folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to your homepage, or any other front-end page, to see the addition to the WP Admin Bar. (if you have checked the box in your User Profile to Show Admin Bar in dashboard, it will show up there too)

Tanya Jawab

What areas are currently supported for inclusion in the Admin Bar Hopper “Hop To…” menu?

Admin Bar Hopper currently supports listing:

  • all Pages of your site, grouped into sets of 10 at a time, with support for child/parent structure
  • Menus, to list all Menus that your site has, and on the next sublevel of dropdown, all the links for each Menu
  • Categories, to hop to any Category of Posts
Do the links go to Edit that area, or View the front-end?

All the first level links (“Pages 1-10”, “Menus”, “Categories”) go to the appropriate Pages / Menus / Categories area on the Admin side. After that, all direct links to specific Pages / Categories will take you to the front-end view (what visitors see). You can use the separate “Edit Page/Post” link in the Admin Bar to Edit that particular content.

Do I have to show all three of those areas?

A Settings page gives you three checkboxes to control which of these groups of links to add to the Admin Bar.

Does Admin Bar Hopper support Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, or Tags?

Not at the this time, but future releases will add support for these other areas of WordPress.


Any Comments / Questions / Suggestions can be posted to the Plugin’s Forum on or as Comments on the initial post for this Plugin, at


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Kontributor & Pengembang

“Admin Bar Hopper” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan


  • Initial release of the plugin