Add additional code to your header WITHOUT editing your theme:
- Stylesheets (CSS)
- Javascript (JS)
- Google Analytics
- Metadata
- Anything else
Example usage
- Change your downloaded theme visually without changing it, by adding an extra stylesheet. If you update your theme, your changes will still be intact.
- Add Google Analytics without changing your theme. If you update or change your theme, Google Analytics will still be there.
- Upload the FOLDER ‘add-to-header’ to /wp-content/plugins/.
- Activate the plugin ‘Add to Header’ through the ‘Plugins’ menu in admin.
- Go to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Add to Header’ to add header code.
Tanya Jawab
- Can I add code to the footer as well?
Not yet.
Belum ada ulasan untuk plugin ini.
Kontributor & Pengembang
“Add to Header” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.
KontributorTerjemahkan “Add to Header” dalam bahasa Anda.
Tertarik mengembangkan?
Lihat kode, periksa repositori SVN , atau mendaftar ke log pengembangan melalui RSS.
Log Perubahan
- Initial release.